So I'm assuming this can't be done on a normal slayer/obj map. I'm actually in the process of this for a design and it's been giving me some problems. Simply having crates spawning on one end and traveling down the track hasn't been working out for me. The crates either spawn halfway down the track or in the hole at the end.
I'm sure that you could, but you just have to make a spec gametype that tracks kills in Extraction. Also, better way to make pallet parade than I did.
You can probably make something work, but what i saw from the haloforgeepidemic is they didnt make the crates move before saving, they just set it to normal while hovering over it, then saved and it worked fine, the extraction thing just seems like a flashy way to show off some new mechanics of forge
Anybody else messing around with train ideas? I wanna make a flood map where you can hold out on a moving train. Couldn't get the containers working. They don't seem to move by themselves even with normal physics. They only start to move once you grab them and let go of them. Id like to see more ideas/discussion about this. People are underestimating it. You could do a remake of the Halo 2 map with the moving train in it. I think its called turf? Anyway, more discussion! Awesome job finding this grif.
Oakley High-Def actually posted a videos further explaining how to do it. Basically the technique is similar to how you drop spawned weapons in reach. Set it to fixed a coordinate off the ground then set it to normal without touching it and start a new round. The train despawns after a bit so keep that in mind. I still can't get that **** to work though. Also, I can't embed the video from my iPad. So if you can google it and post it that'd be great.
"How to make a MOVING train" - YouTube Something else I figured out: It only works with container, larges. It doesn't work with open containers. If anyone can figure out a way to get the open containers moving, that'd be awesome.