Skyron - 'Spiritual Successor' of Halo CE's Chiron TL34 (v2.0 now available)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by the_suicide_fox, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Map Name: Skyron
    Original Map: Chiron TL34 (Halo CE)
    Gamertag: thesuicidefox
    Most Recent Version: v2.0 as of 12/9/12 (check description of map)
    Recommended Players: 6-8
    Gametypes: Slayer, Regicide, CTF, Oddball, KOTH, Grifball, Flood
    Does not work with: Dominion, Extraction
    • Initial Ordnance - Shotgun, Railgun, Overshield (OS respawns on a timer)
    • Random Ordnance - Beam Rifle, Incendiary Cannon, Needler, various grenades
    • Other - Assault Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Jetpack, ??? (find it in Regicide!)
    Link: not yet available (search GT: thesuicidefox)
    Videos: Skyron v1.2 Preview
    thesuicidefox - YouTube

    v2.0 Overhead:

    New v2.0 Gravity Bridges:

    New Rocket Room:

    New Shotgun Room:

    Maze Room Overhead:

    Asteroid Collision:

    looking out of Pillar Room:


    **see Update List below**

    Basically this map is a remake of Halo CE's Chiron TL34. Actually more like a redesign. The base layout is more or less identical, but due to the fact you can only have 6 sets of teleporters (you need 13 :/ ) I had to get creative. I replaced some teleporters with anti-gravity slides and others with gravity lifts. I also added a new room, which is actually just a duplicate of the corner room on the opposite side to round out the map to 10 rooms so it can work for CTF and the like. Interestingly, the original corner room was made to look as if it was destroyed by an asteroid and has gravity... issues. All the rooms float in space and are very glassy/skeletal in design. Where in the original you had to be in the room to shoot someone, now you can fight room to room, as well as see exactly what room you are about to enter. It really adds a whole new dynamic to the map. However, I tried to provide enough cover so that more fights happen within the rooms rather than from room to room. There are some other changes that just make the layout more streamlined. I would say I spent about 25-30 hours on making this map thus far.

    I tried to test as much as I could, but could never really manage more than 4 players at a time :(. Currently looking for playtesters to give feedback (I may or may not be available, but you can totally play without me!). Ideally I want to make a very well designed, balanced, and functional map that you might find in matchmaking. I intend to update this map until I feel it is at that level of quality, but I also want to start on new maps so updates may take a few days to a week or so. You can post feedback below, send it via XBL, or email me at Here is a list of things I'm interesting in learning more about:
    • Are the weapon placements balanced?
    • Is spawn placement well done? Do any spawns feel awakward? Are there enough spawns for 8 players?
    • Do all the teleporters, gravity bridges, and gravity lifts ever not function properly? (I was pretty thorough about this, still good to keep trying to break it!)
    • Is there enough cover when engaging from room to room? <or> Does any room stand out as being too good or too bad to be in?
    • What are the best gametypes to play?
    • Should I spend the time making Dominion or Extraction work?
    • Any major gamebreaking issues?

    Other stuff you can send me:
    • Name so I can give credit where available. Also so I may contact you for future playtestings.
    • Videos of you playing on my map (fileshare preferred, I can capture HD quality)

    v2.0 Update List:
    • v2.0 features gravity bridges to replace the anti-gravity slides. You can now walk, run, or jump across and land correctly every time. The shields are set to respawn in 1 second, and they are set to the same min/max levels. However, likely due to the games limits on rendering, sometimes the bridges will take up to 10 seconds to spawn, though usually it seems to respawn instantly. You can knock out the bridge and cause someone to fall only if you time it right now.
    • Maze-Balcony teleporters switched with Rocket-Hologram gravity bridges.
    • Balcony moved close to Maze to allow for new gravity bridge to fit.
    • Tuning up and cover adjustments to nearly every room except corner rooms and Hologram room (other than changes for the new teleporter)
    • Room to room fights should be more limited and linear now. Most fighting should take place within a room. Teams still have some good positions to defend the flag.
    • Needler random ordnance added to Pillar room (center with Maze room).
    • Assault Rifle, Plasma Pistol, and Jetpack pickups given new respawns settings. PP and JP given new placements in their respective rooms.
    • Regicide secret weapon moved to be more visible and also more challenging to pick up.
    • Flood specific initial spawns added. All humans spawn in blue corner, all Flood spawn in red corner. Respawn points left alone.
    • Oddball 2nd and 3rd ball pickups moved to Ramp room (aka staircase) and Jump room
    • Keep playtesting and giving feedback guys!!

    Thanks, and enjoy everyone! I'll update this post as necessary, so check back once in a while.
    #1 the_suicide_fox, Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2012
  2. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    don't rip on him just give him advice on how to make it better... geez. people are at different skill and experience levels and forging is for EVERYONE.
  3. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    Points for effort, from the stuff I've seen this looks rather good, a spiritual remake rather than an actual remake.

    The open roofs leave it open to people abusing the jetpack to get to places they shouldn't, but I suppose you can't get that far.

    Not bad for a first attempt, tidy it up a little and make the base shields insta-respawn by setting their timer to 1 and the run time minimum to the highest possible to prevent people escaping.
  4. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    Is six the max in all three Forge maps? I thought that was just for Impact.
  5. Atik

    Atik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Woah man, chill down a second.

    I personnally don't like the idea of the gravity zone slides, they seem to leave you too exposed compared to the teleporters.

    I have seen previous remakes connect the rooms with hallways, which I always enjoyed. Just a suggestion.
  6. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    I'm not going to sit idlely by and let this one slide. There are a lot of things that I will accept for what they are but this is just nothing like its counterpart. My friend made a remake of this map on Reach and you could tell it was Chiron TL34. Unlike this one, to be quite honest I can't identify a single aspect of this map that is even minutely close to the original. You can't call it a remake of the original, as the two are nothing alike. I am simply calling it like I see it.
  7. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Wow ok. The idea was to open the map up for more combat options and such, which is why I said it is a redesign and not a remake. I have played the Halo 3/Reach versions with hallways and it just doesn't feel the same mostly because the gameplay mechanics of the new game just don't flow well with the original design. It was also not exactly a favored map, so I figured by adding some new elements to it that it would improve on the original.

    As for the shields there are kill zones that prevent you from crossing into other anti-gravity slides and by destroying the shields you put the person at risk of killing themselves or being exposed to crossfire. If you look in Forge you would see how the zones are set up, which is the only way for it to work since using the 5x5 zones allows jetpacks to skip over the slides. Also I spent 9500$ on the layout and nearly maxed out most of the pallets.

    Your feedback is appreciated, but your attitude is not.

    I tested jetpack pretty thoroughly. You can access the top of some of the rooms, however you are completely exposed at all angles and many rooms. There are soft kills above the corner rooms to prevent camping up there.

    The base shields I set to 15 seconds I think only because it wanted it to be a viable option to destroy them so you expose the person going through it. The kill zones are set to stop people from leaving the gravity areas. Would you suggest I put them on like 3-5 second timer and move the killzones INTO the gravity fields just outside the slides?

    Six sets, yes, which is 12 teleporters. :/

    I used the slides to replace teleporters. The hallway thing just feels uninspired to me TBH. It also didn't feel like the map was much better. The shields help to provide cover and I added a trait zone that allows you to move faster so it functions more like a teleporter. I don't think I'll be removing them for hallways (again this is a redesign), but any suggestions to provide more cover in the slides? Maybe add some shields above the ones already in place?
    #7 the_suicide_fox, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  8. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
    Senior Member

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    You're seeing it wrong then. This is a spiritual remake, not an exact remake. Spiritual remakes take the map they're mimicking and use it as a basis. They are never identical to the original and everyone has their own way of doing so. You're stepping out of line here, you need to understand that people are free to make whatever they want as a remake and every person will have their own style of remake. Anyway, this forum is for constructive criticism only, if you're not going to provide some, don't bother posting.
  9. Atik

    Atik Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure how fast you move through the trait zones, but I would definately suggest enclosing them in shields totally.
  10. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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  11. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Typing on my droid so I cannot quote but,

    Your speed is increased to 150% in the slides. Anymore and you overshoot your landing.

    The original is 15, my bad, but its still way more than what you have in forge.

    Question for everyone, I was thinking of moving the T room where sniper spawns closer to the maze room with overshield and switching that teleporter with the gravity slide between rocket room and hologram room. The rooms match their counterparts on the other side and it might help with cover issues against jump/jetpack room. Would that improve the design or be a waste of time?
    #11 the_suicide_fox, Dec 7, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2012
  12. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    There isn't any parts of this map that identify it as a remake or even a "redesign", of Chiron TL34. I spawned into it and just thought to myself, 'where am I, this is nothing like the original.' This is my main issue with what you've done. I'm not alone with what I said, that's tame compared to what some of my friends said. I would have been much happier if it was just all the rooms that you've spread out were the original construction so it can be at least identified as the map. You could fix the grenade breaking the shield by making them instant respawn. There is just a lot of sloppy forging in certain areas, such as behind the teleporters the pieces don't meet up. The scale of the "rooms" are way to large and if you were to scale them down then you could do it more efficiently. Save on budget and end up with something that would much more closely resemble the original. You haven't solved the issue of it not flowing very well that you claim to have solved, due to the fact that its all very open and you are very vulnerable when crossing your gravity bridges.

    Edited by merge:

    My issue is it doesn't resemble the original in the slightest. It would have been much better if he just spread out the rooms but constructed them closer to the geometry of the original. It just doesn't play or feel anything even remotely close to how it should. I understand that once you change the geometry so substantially like this that it plays differently, but I believe that there still should be some of the original play and feel still present. Otherwise its not a remake its a whole new map.
    #12 UberAURORA, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  13. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The original geometry of the map is WAY too small for how Halo 4 plays, especially when you factor in sprint. I made each room a bit larger to accommodate for that. I had an issue once where I opened forge and every single piece was off by 1 degree on the yaw, which I thought I fixed so maybe I missed a spot. But I used coordinates and exact measurements to line up everything, so I don't see how that's sloppy forging. I think it's more that you are pissed it's a redesign and not a remake, and you are nitpicking details. Also considering I used every teleporter, gravity field, and gravity lift, plus the trait zones it's at least 2000 minimum JUST for all that. If you notice, each room is built with as few pieces as possible, and the only decorations I have are the red/blue lights in the corners and the asteroid trail that hit red room. Most everything else has a purpose of some kind. Yet I still nearly maxed out several pallets, and have ~750-500$ left.

    Sorry if this isn't an exact duplicate of the original, but that wasn't my intention. I wanted to redesign the original. If you don't recognize the rooms then you clearly never played the original that much as I literally had Halo CE open on another TV while I forged. The only room that is drastically different is the ramp/staircase room which is backwards because of the way that whole piece is. I could redo that but that would also mean I'd have to redo the red corner room which I don't intend on doing. Not to mention I don't have the available pieces to make the entire room from scratch.

    I already came up with a better design for the gravity slides which give you 100% cover and function a lot more smoothly.

    If you don't like it please move on. Like I said, I have considered your feedback but your attitude is way out of line. It says redesign in the thread title, and I even explain some of the changes I made from the original. If you expected something else that's not my problem.

    @ Everyone else: I am working on the 2.0 version currently. This version will have new gravity slides as I described above. I am also moving the balcony room (AKA T room where beam rifle spawns) aligned to the maze room and I am switching that teleporter with the gravity slides going from rocket room to hologram room. The idea is to distrubute teleporters/gravity slides more evenly, and it will also reduce exposure in hologram while increasing it for balcony (which I felt was under exposed compared to the rest). Some other changes to other rooms, such as adding more cover to enclose the rooms a bit and remove some lines of sight. Also touch ups here and there. Lastly I'll be adding Flood specific items. If anyone else has suggestions please put them in now and it will make it into 2.0.
    #13 the_suicide_fox, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  14. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    You clearly don't understand the concept of keeping similar geometry to make the map identifiable. If you didn't state that this map was meant to be a redesign of Chiron TL34 then I never would have realized that is what you were trying to accomplish. Everyone I've shown this map to agrees with me. A remake or even a redesign has to somewhat resemble the look and feel of the original or its a different map all together. This will be my last post because you don't understand what I'm trying to get across, that or your too ignorant to realize what they are asking for with this competition.
  15. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    but why do you care? if his map doesn't fit the criterion of the map competition, then he will just not win.
  16. Dax

    Dax Mhmm.
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Man, you sure know how to make an entrance [to ForgeHub], don't you? :p

    This part of your attitude is what really gets me. The fact that you think your view is completely right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong. And then go on to belittle the author of the map. Haha, not the best way to start making friends here on FH, my dear. Maybe it's your ignorance (and arrogance) that's holding you back from seeing that in a way, this can very much be considered a "redesign."

    Bringing this back:

    #16 Dax, Dec 8, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2012
  17. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    And I'm not going to let this slide.

    You clearly don't understand the concept of constructive criticism. You need to chill the **** out. Attacking his map is not constructive. It has clearly been stated that its a redesign not a remake. It's one thing to give him some good advice, its a totally separate thing to be an asshole.

    So am I.
  18. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    UberAURORA is pissed u no make him good map? You were making map for him as Xmas gift or some-sing? How rude to complain about gift.
  19. UberGERKEN

    UberGERKEN Promethean

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    There are some interesting aspects to this map and I quite like the space station feel. I understand that it's a redesign and not a remake, what you could do it reshuffle some pieces and try and enclose rooms that use teleporters (So many Channels, so few teleporters; sigh) to give it some increased familiarity. You might save some budget by connecting rooms that are next to each other, the map is slightly scaled up from what I can see so interconnecting shouldn't damage gameplay. You could also save budget by swapping out some decorative pieces.

    My only concern with this map (I don't think your forging is bad - I also have come across the issue in forge where everything is 0.1 off) is that if you hadn't said it had some connection to Chiron, I wouldn't have known without playing it extensively (BTW Chiron is my favourite Halo map ever, it's good to see people keeping it alive). Maybe it's just missing that enclosed feeling that comes with Chiron, which you could achieve by closing in some rooms while keeping the character that you created in others.

    Anyway, good-luck in FT3, I also haven't had the best response to my Prisoner remake.
  20. Teancum

    Teancum Forerunner

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    Posted this on another forum:

    Maybe I can 'fake' it by using shields to connect two rooms. That way fire doesn't get through, effectively doing the same thing. I can have instances where two rooms are against each other where possible.

    I think I can do it with nine teleporters on four channels this way.


    Thoughts? Would that not be true enough to the original?

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