not into race tracks but if i were into them id deff dl. very smooth looking. but you may want to add a pic that says the layout and track.
Look for the sticky named "Forging 101" , that tells you how to interlock and do many other things that are very handy for forging.
u said on the 3rd pic if u could fall though the shield doors and that what are u on about there no shield doors on the 3rd pic
i dono if u can but yea u should be able to post ur own maps on ur own map thread and i dono way people dont like it too. nubs these days
this reminds me of hotweels, any way the huge wall turn looks challanging i think this is the first race map i will DL
dude if u like this track coz it looks like hot wheels u should c my house 1 its fat has but im still working on it need 2 make it cheat free and it realy hard to do but any way thank and hope u love the track dont know if i can say about other maps on a my thread but i gess theres only 1 way 2 find out lol if u want the other track add me and say ur from forge hub
yea when i made this track and the same 4 sky high drift i did not know how to do all that staff and that but i do know just about all the forge tricks now and i have made two new track with all that staff on it but they are not finshed and it will be some time till i put the on my files and on forge hub put in the mean time u still have 2 good az tracks 2 play on forge me and dose any1 no how many pise u can put on ur thread ?
yea its very fun and theres lots of other parts of the track that i could not get good pics of so its better that u think lol