are you saying Microsoft is no different than any other business? I tend to think they are one of the most greedy corporations.
Full details on Title Update. And seriously, it's a title update. There may be some corporate guy who sees it as a promotional thing, but it's there to fix glitches in the game. That is why it exists. Can we stop making things out of it?
File Browsers? No File Browsers? Really? Title updates but no file browsers? What'd they say? About a month? What day is it today? About a month? Yea? . . . So no file browsers yet?
Well they probably figured theyd fix some game-breaking or possibly game-breaking problems before fixing a game-losing-all-its-population-within-months problem. Realistically forged maps and gametypes are a staple in the halo experience now, they gotta get on that
343i: Fixing the DLC before the game for 1/12 years. ^That is stupid. Saying that Microsoft will never do anything but for money and that other game improvements won't bring in money is also stupid.
the truth is stupid? Microsoft doesn't do anything unless profit is involved. News flash, Microsoft doesn't update Halo 4, 343 get paid to do that. It is in Microsoft's best interest to get Halo 4 updated to make it better to acquire more sales. Knock Knock...hello McFly. You think games are updated to make you happy because they like you and think you are really nice person? Anyways... who cares. Original Post has been updated with all the changes from the download update.
But it's still a stupid argument. No one is denying that these companies exist to make profit at their core. That's what companies do. The point is that there is one key distinction. Activision get bitched at for screwing over their customers and neglecting to address issues to maximise profits, but spending money solely on pumping out the next title rather than supporting the current one. 343/MS take the time to support their games and try to ensure that people who have bought the game continue to play and enjoy it, and they also get bitched at for "just trying to make money"? What the hell other option is there? As I said, it's mind numbingly obvious that the core aim is to make profit off a game, but there are too ways of going about it. I'd prefer to give my money to a company which have demonstrated that they'll treat me better. This "companies are out to make money, look how cynical and insightful I am, hur hur" mantra is ridiculous, and misses the point how how companies can go about it. And if you think that 343 have no decision in what issues they address with each update, and whether they address certain issues at all, you're deluding yourself. I may take pretty big issue with a lot of the decisions they've made in Halo 4, but they seem to be demonstrating a passion for their vision. If you can't distinguish between that and a quick buck style developer then more fool you.
Starship Ghost: Anything Microsoft does is intended to improve the game. Therefore, everything it does is for money. This is not limited to Microsoft, this is for every for-profit on the planet, as Pegasi is pointing out. It seems like you're angry because your wish list of changes hasn't been filled. Mine hasn't either, and I'm ticked about it, but I respect that other players' lists have. May we please get back on topic? This isn't the Complain About Capitalism thread.
I'm not sure I understand the whole "Fixed DLC Issues" the first DLC has not even been released yet, that in itself should have its own beta/quality assurance testing and should not be listed in the patch notes. its like saying "we fixed something that doesn't exist yet" kind of makes 343 sound like they don't know what they are doing.
Why do people think that developers are Jesus, and will work endlessly out of the bottom of their heart with no intent on gaining anything from it?
I think halo 4 is fine. sure there are bugs and stuffs I don't really like, but every game have them and have always had. a few years ago there was no bitching against DMR triple shots or boltshot quick reload, if you wanted to play competitively, you had to learn to use the glitches.
Are you really arguing that on a platform where bugs can easily be fixed, and said fixes can easily be pushed out to all players with little to no effort on the players' part, that they just shouldn't fix them because ****-it-we-can-learn-to-use-them-to-whomp-each-other? If the game can be better without completely changing what it is and how it plays, and this costs us who own the game nothing extra, then they should fix this stuff. And by the way, there was plenty of bitching about certain bugs in past games, before patching became as prevalent as it is now. But the flip side of that was that developers did more QA testing on games because they had to live with whatever they released. Games are buggier now because they can save money on testers and just release patches - take it from someone who works for a software company, one which has routinely gutted its own QA department first any time layoffs were necessary. Halo 4 is the buggiest Halo I've ever played, and I'm certainly not going to encourage them to not fix all these little problems, even though many of them are quite minor. Hell, there are still legacy bugs in H4 that were in Reach and should have been fixed between games, if not in a patch for Reach; if that doesn't tell you where developers' heads are at in 2012, there's no explaining it.