Forge Generate Lighting Issue

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by UNSC Fenix Hulk, Dec 5, 2012.

  1. UNSC Fenix Hulk

    UNSC Fenix Hulk Promethean

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    I was just wondering if anyone has found a way to fix the lighting issue in forge. Every time I reach about 50% of my item limit, this glitch always seems to occur and the only way I've found to avoid it is keeping your item limit below 50%. I know this is a huge problem for me on the Impact map, don't know if the problem exists on the other maps but I have been unable to complete any maps due to this issue. Why have a item limit when it can never be reached by this bug.

    How was this bug never discovered by 343 before release and fixed? For the people not know what this bug does, basically the map fails to generate smart lighting and shadows. When you reload the map, everything is very bright with no shadows.

    My next guess to try and fix this is by locking majority of the items on the map and see if that helps. I have already gone through and used the best objects to get the job done by keeping my item number low, but I am making a fairly decent size map and there is no way to finish the map without fixing this bug and adding more items.
  2. UNSC Fenix Hulk

    UNSC Fenix Hulk Promethean

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    I know it has been listed before, not saying I'm the first to come across it, just was wondering if anyone found a fix for it yet. Forge is broken until this gets fixed.
  3. xDTx Kaos

    xDTx Kaos Forerunner
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    Sadly this is one of many ways forge is broken. 343 seems to be focusing on matchmaking issues at the moment which is understandable. I hope it gets fixed, but it will just be a matter of time. Also you have to see that forge is not 343's number one priority.
  4. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
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    Meh, I personally don't think it's a bad thing. When there's dynamic lighting, every structure with an indoors room will turn out ****ing dark. Not to mention the shadows don't even appear properly rendered until you get closer. It's stupid. I'd rather exceed the $ 6000 budget margin and have at least an equally lighted map. I don't get why people say its broken. If the dynamic lighting itself is broken, then isn't removing dynamic lighting actually fixing it? Not breaking it?
  5. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    personally, I have not yet found a reason to spend all of the budget to create a map. I'm doing a large one right now that uses many large pieces, and using up the allotment of those pieces within the various category limits seems to be my only issue so far. Not lighting problems from going too far over budget as a project.

    however, it would be great if they could prioritize a fix for this. forge was advertised to have dynamic lighting, not "if you only use so much budget". White papers should be published by any respectable developer explaining that a thing cannot be fixed, if it truly is a programming limitation or something. Sometimes a game's engine just can't handle a task, and if that is the case they should just tell us.
  6. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    I have made a map on Ravine that used almost exactly $10,000. I built the vast majority of it as low as you can possibly go. One half of the map is on the sunny end of the Ravine, and the other is on the shaded end.

    The interesting thing is that on the sunny side of the map, the dynamic lighting system seems to be working exactly as it should. However, on the shade side, the lighting works just like it used to be in Reach. I will have entirely dark bridge sections right next to uniformly bright ones and then back again. Each piece only gets one solid shade effect.
  7. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    i've got the same issue deep down in that Ravine area... I'm building right aboe the death-floor of the map too :) The darker side defnitely has that problem. Add the placable lights to create some nicer lighting... that's the best you can do I think.

    Edit: After watching your video I see that the lighted side of your map is not casting shadows... that's part of the glitch I believe. I do not have that issue building down there (yet) as my budjet is not nearly as high.
    #8 ExTerrestr1al, Dec 6, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2012
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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  9. wade

    wade Forerunner
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    Yea it's weird. I watched the video again and noticed the same thing, then I went into forge to check and the shadows were back... It must fluctuate or something? The place-able lights are a good idea, but I have some terrible memories of them causing me frame rate issues in the past, and they are expensive. I will try it out though, see what I can do with budgeting. I really love the way the map plays right now at least. That always trumps the lighting for me.


    I thought it might be a theater issue, but after watching another film of the last test game I played on the map there are definitely shadows on all of the forge objects besides the containers. (more than in the video) So I have no idea. The budget has been maxed out since before I edited that Rangos trailer video together.

    Nutduster -- Thanks, I did see that thread earlier. Extremely helpful.
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I wonder if distance from objects is an issue w/ some of your lighting... whereas in player mode you are closer than when flying around in theater mode.
  11. cj822

    cj822 Ancient
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    #13 cj822, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012

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