I already have a RR map and Gametype set up (as best as i can without the race type) but my main issue are that setting vehicles to certain teams doesnt disable them for the other teams... so my real questions are 1) does anyone know how to enable certain vehicles for specific teams so that when there isnt 16 people the other vehicles cant be used/stolen by/from other teams... 2) if possible to create the in vehicle spawns for initial spawns and for when you leave the vehicle for too long...like in halo reach for rocket race?
Theres a KOTH gametype for normal racing you can download and modify. I dont know about spawnng, the race gametype helped out alot lol
well where can i get the race gametype so i can have a look at it, mine works well with the map i made, its just the forge item options that im really having an issue with...people stealing a 2nd car and being in two places at once...
I'm sure they will add a race gametype... I don't know why the hell they took it out. Not sure where to get the KOTH custom race modified gametype but I know people have made it and put it on their file share.
well my name is my gamertag... if anyone wants to have a look at mine and give input...the more the merrier
Use the Dominion Vehicle Pads. If the vehicles end up getting grabbed (so, in essence, "spawned") then anyone can use them, but only the team they are set for can actually grab them initially.
i did that at first, but the problem remains that if you get hijacked then you are left without a mongoose...i tried to set the hill point scoring to everyone counts so that if 2 were in the hill then you got 2 points (at least my understanding of it without a description) so that if you do hijack then you will end up only gaining one point per hill...but that didnt work...maybe due to the fact the hills only have 1 point to give will have to try again and see Edit: as for LIGHTSOUT225 your game-type is exactly what i have with a few variations to #hills, starting weapons and my people are invulnerable...
Another way to prevent the use of certain vehicles would be to place Alpha zones on all teh spawns forbidding vehicle use, and then Beta zones on each team's spawn area letting THEM use vehicles there. Or start everyone off in a one-way shield door room/Teleporter area.
no because that doesnt solve the issue of them hijacking it when you leave the areas...im pretty sure in reach or halo 3 you could assign teams a vehicle and other teams could not use them no matter what, they could hijack you but they wouldnt be able to drive off in them just eject you from them?
I promise you my settings are legit. I've played.... an astronomical amount of RR matches. Like, hundreds.
it wasnt whether it was legit or not, it still didnt solve the issue with hijacking and stealing vehicles not to mention rockets wouldnt have been suited for my map, and there is a need for 2 hills up at once for my map...so still if anyone has any idea as to how to set up team specific vehicles/un-hijackable vehicles im all ears
Only other thing I can think of to try is to place a teleporter over the map teleporting away people who aren't in a vehicle.
i like the idea, but not enough teleporters for the # of hills i have, and i dont want to punish those that cant drive because that would result in their mongoose becoming unreachable till it respawned