Team Regicide is Brilliant

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by lxlIcyBulletlxl, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    I just wanted to post something I already posted on the Waypoint forums for anyone who was like me. If you played Regicide and noticed that it's quite possibly the worst gametype ever created, then you're like me. If you got on today and saw Team Regicide, you might have groaned like I did, you might even be more stubborn than me and avoided playing it.

    Well, I did play a game just to try it out and see if it was any better, and let me tell you the gametype is awesome. It awards good play as opposed to punishing it (you get powerups for being King, and the powerups are fairly easy to get since you don't have every single person after you), it is balanced in that both teams have a King, and it isn't anywhere near as much of a hassle for you to have a waypoint over your head. It adds some strategy to Slayer that you could say didn't exist before because the team has to decide to protect the King, attack the opponent's King, or just play disregarding the King. Overall, I'm getting sick of Infinity Slayer, but I don't like games like KoTH or CTF. Typically, I'd go to Custom Games and Forge, but they're so bad in this game I'm not on there as much as I'd like. Either way, this gametype is a great alternative to Slayer if you don't like objective gametypes, and provides a much better experience than FFA Regicide.

    In other words, this was clearly how Regicide was meant to be played.
    #1 lxlIcyBulletlxl, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    You can get powerups in regular Regicide for being King. I don't know where you've been..

    I also think you're exaggerating a bit on the options with the king. Simply camping and "protecting the king" doesn't work because of the waypoint. Leaving the king in a corner also doesn't work for the same reasons plus you'd be playing a 3v4 against any team smart enough to use their king.

    I do see some skill in making other players king right before a king's death, but that also discourages kills in some case, so that's disputable.

    In my opinion, Team Regicide is an interesting variant of slayer rather than something revolutionary. It has its ups and downs, much like regular Regicide in similar respects.
  3. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I personally think it's much better than FFA Regicide because it's balanced better and the points function in way which rewards the better team/players whilst still keeping things different from regular Slayer. But I take your point.

    That said, I find playing safe as the king to be incredibly effective. This is largely because the majority of people in MM are bad and won't work as a team to actually put me on the backfoot, so it just ends up being a steady stream of people coming at me for easy kills. Setting up on Open Ramp on Haven is way too easy when teams don't work together. But when they do, you're right. It becomes a pretty good tactical team gametype. I like how it plays well in both coordinated team environments and with groups of randoms.

    Also, the number of times I've been saved by the OS from a Kingtacular whilst down shots in a battle is insane. I can only imagine how frustrating that must be for the person fighting me.
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    All right, I concede on Matchmaking idiots, but in terms of people who actually know how to play, it's not much better. It's like saying that Sword Base was a good map for infection because people in MM were too stupid to camp yellow and red lifts. Obviously people did camp them, but that's besides the point.
  5. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Every time.
    -Got the king one shot but he ran around corner, DW my mates there to kill him, Mate dies. WTF Do you even know how to use a gun?, Go to finish him off since expecting him to at least keep him one shot, Has full overshield, I die. GG.
    -Stalking a king with max bounty with a sword, GOT YOU overshield, GG.
    -King joust he gets overshield, FUUUU just about to die, I get overshiled, YAY.

    In FFA regicide I found best tactic is run in get 2-3 kills(1 for 1 isn't that bad either) and die, Repeat. (To avoid getting a higher bounty) You get big boost to score a random "player x" that kills you gets little boost to there score, Next time run in you get a big boost to score and random "Player Y" gets a little boost to there score.

    In team regicide I found best tactic is to Survive. (spend a lot of time running in general direction of my team,I've been 1v4 spawn killed repeatedly as king because of waypoint enemy team with sprint and been spawned away from team), Going 1 for 1 is bad, And running in getting 2-3 kills isn't as easy when enemy is a team.

    In team you can also intentionally go for assists when ally is near by, Which I do a lot to avoid been the king so I can protect him or Assist in more enemy kills.
  6. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    When you're better than everyone in the match, you're just playing Slayer with the added bonus of the gametype trying to take a **** on you by putting a waypoint over your head and greatly incentivizing your death. Team Regicide is just Team Slayer that tries to cripple the MVP for being the MVP. I see no improvement, personally.
  7. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    As the guy who is always King, I've come to use myself as bait to be a very effective tactic. It's much more than just "playing it safe" or surviving, its learning how to use your King effectively so that the enemy team is playing your game and not theirs.

    This is a gametype that rewards the better team. I like it.
  8. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Exactly why I use the hardlight shield (Because apparently everyone here is always the king lol) Bait there entire team onto me, then Armor lock, I mean hardlight shield(which is 100 times better then AL imo) so I can walk behind a wall while using hardlight shield been just as invincible as AL and hide behind wall let it recharge bait there entire team again.

    They won't be able to resist trying to get 35 bonus points while your team kills them all and if they don't try kill you, Free kills while you have over shield/damage boosts.

    And if one your team has a Regen field its gg, Normally you can't regen shields with hardlight up but the regen field allows you to so near invincible.
  9. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    Regen field is weak and only gives the enemy team a sign that there is a person near that vicinity.

    I'm not talking about hiding behind your team, its more about positioning yourself so that the enemy team is reacting the way you'd want them to.

    If you find using a hardlight shield and then running behind a wall to be useful toward you, then kudos.
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Regen was to protect the king and as a king you have a waypoint so given enemy team a sign there is a person in the vicinity is not really a issue, And its pretty decent when you can duck in and out of cover and regen shields strait away, Can hold a position all day. (specially with AA efficiency or fast shield regen perk which works with regen field)

    Like standing a position to force the enemy team to come at you from a certain path that you can easily counter them? That's undoubtedly good. (Controlling your enemy's is the best way to win imo)

    But using hardlight shield take bait a few shots from anyone/everyone on enemy team since they all want that 35 bonus points and the Waypoint is a massive target and bait few grenades as well,Maybe they will just keep there reticule on you just in case hardlight pops,(with bad players they will just shoot at you non stop). This is all time there not shooting at your allies while your allies can shoot back. (then with regen or if didn't take any damage, fight. Since enemy team has taken free damage you have a advantage this encounter)
    Thereby forcing "the enemy team is reacting the way you'd want them to"

    Just a tip/suggestion might be useful to someone.

    Otherwise I really like team regicide.
  11. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    I gotta say FFA regicide is probably one of my least favorite gametypes. it should be removed and replaced with FFA Slayer. I Like Team Regicide Though, you get a good team going with some defense and your set. I'd really like an option for Big Team CTF, the only gametype that features 16 players is infinity slayer which is kind of a downgrade imo.
  12. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
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    Too bad it'll probably be removed from MM soon like Team Snipers and FFA Throwback were. :(

    Ikr, the fact that they included FFA Regicide and not FFA Slayer makes me feel like they're trying to FORCE me to play their new and "improved" version of FFA.
    #12 jameslieb1, Dec 9, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 9, 2012
  13. hangman3745

    hangman3745 Ancient
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    I say they should throw out FFA Regicide and put regular FFA and keep Team Regicide, it works a lot better with teams in my opinion.
  14. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    personally, I don't like any gametype where the object is to go to a particular place, but everyone just ends up doing a FFA battle instead of focusing on the type of play that is desired for the gametype.

    case in point... if you and an enemy should both be heading to a Hill Marker to kill the person currently in it, it is very likely he will kill you on the way, rather than working together to kill the KOTH and then turn on each other... that seems to be what KOTH should be, but people do almost nothing but kill each other out in the other corridors. what's the point of that?

    Regicide just ends up being similar to KOTH in that enemies will just FFA battle or Team battle instead of focussing on getting the correct enemy marked as the King.

    I did like Team Regicide better, but not by much. Not saying you shouldn't enjoy it though ;)

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