I was wondering... if you have multiple random drops on a map, can only one of them drop something at a time? I wasn't sure if this is how it's suppose to be or if it's another bug. I made a map with multiple random drops. Many of them would drop random grenades. Some of them would drop weapons. The problem is when a random drop drops at one of the grenade locations, nothing else drops until someone goes and picks up those grenades. If no one picks up the grenades, then no more random drops for the whole game. It's not suppose to be like that right?
Here is how it works: Let's say you have 10 random drops on your map. Every so often (I believe it is controlled through the game type) one of these will get a drop for whatever you put in it. You can even have multiple items to randomly be picked from. This means that in a fire fight one team can randomly get a power weapon for no reason at all, while the other team get's nothing. For this reason, it's probably best that you don't use a random drop unless you put down only 1 and it is in a neutral location with very similar weapons in it, like a scattershot and a shotgun.
I understand what they do, I was just wondering if 2 can be out at once. Say you have just 2 random drops in the map. If the game drops something to random drop 1, can it then drop something to random drop 2, or does the game wait till the item from random drop 1 is picked up before it can do anything else?
I could swear to god someone explained how to do two weapons on a static timer at once. My vague memory tells me that it has something to do with two random drops on half the timer you want.. and then they're supposed to alternate? I'll trawl the internet for the post.. not sure if I'll find it, though.
I was testing this yesterday with about 10 random drops by each other.. its only 1 Random Drop for that gametype time limit for random drops, and a drop CANNOT drop on top of itself, unlike the dominion drops.. you have to pick up a drop from that specific spot, if you want that spot to get another drop.. So only One drop at a time, so if a drop spot has an item, then it cannot be used (unless item is grabbed from the spot), and therefore forcing the drop to be on drop 2.. The game keeps the timer going no matter what until all random spots are full (they might go after that and just wait to drop something once something is grabbed)
The 343 maps have multiple random drops that work fine. I modeled my random drops based off of looking at their maps, and mine have worked pretty well so far. I've had multiple random drops happen even if previous random drops hadn't been picked up. I'm not saying I understand how the system is choosing which and when, but overall my random drops have been working pretty well. Also, I use initial drops for all my grenades and set them to drop at regular intervals throughout the game. I don't know, but perhaps using the random drops for grenades is why your having trouble and i'm not.
I tested it out on another map and it worked fine. For whatever reason I only have this problem on one map. I would have multiple random drops all over the map and set the game to drop them as fast as possible. It would only drop something at one of the drops at random, then not drop anything else anywhere until I pick up that one weapon that it dropped the first time.