What about a shade bug on Ravine?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by korvica, Dec 3, 2012.

  1. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    Hello to everyone. I'm new on this forum as a member, but I looked at it often before.

    So, I wanted to make a map like one I have played on Halo Reach, based on Assassin's Creed gameplay style. I began to make a part of a city, and I was happy how it was better that I was expecting.

    What happened is that, suddenly, the shade system stopped to work on my map. Since, when I switch from editor mode to player mode, the little download does not appear as it is supposed and no shade is made. What is strange is that the shades are there, but they only appear when I'm near them (which is very annoying).

    I've read about a shade bug on Impact, where a huge shade appears suddenly on the map, but not this one (maybe I did not look on the forum enough?).

    Something important to say is that when I delete few things (to lower the budget under 5000), the shade system works.

    Does this bug ever happened to anybody else? Is there a way to fix it? What should I do? (my map looks ugly without the shades).

    Thank you!^^
    #1 korvica, Dec 3, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 3, 2012
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    This bug is common at the moment. It has been held to occur as a safety before framerate lag occurs, but this is unlikely as it sometimes occurs beforehand.

    Some of us are currently testing pieces - it seems that some pieces are worse than others in terms of lighting. Some of the worst seem to be the Impact pieces, antenna larges, and struts. Decorative items are under scrutiny. So are wall coliseums, although as they are rather large it should be OK to use them in moderation.

    Welcome to Forgehub.
  3. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    Ok, thank you for the answer! So what should I do? (to make the structures, I needed all the wall coliseums, all the inclines and all the blocks, and I did not add anything else for the moment). Should I wait until maybe the bug is fixed, make my map smaller or something else?

    Thank you again!
  4. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Try substituting the more complex pieces for less complex pieces if possible. You could also try and wait, but it can't hurt to try and fix the issue now.

    I have also heard that maps with strange dynamic lighting can be fixed by spawning in the pieces not visible from the start 1 second after the game starts. Apparently, they don't count as lighted pieces when the initial shadow generation is going on, or so I've heard. I haven't tested this, I'm afraid, but I suppose it would be pretty easy for you to try out :)
  5. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    Oh no, not ravine too... This is a bummer. Thanks for letting me know about it, I thought this was just on impact and erosion. Ugh, just as my ravine maps were almost done :( Hopefully I don't run into this.
  6. korvica

    korvica Promethean

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    Ok, I will try this trick and try to remove complex pieces also, but it will be hard to remove inclines because it is my roofs.. If it does not work, I will have to make my map smaller. Thank you!
  7. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    This is terrible really. Maps look very bland with no dynamic lighting. There is no dynamic lighting in the Grifball court at all, as if it wasn't bad enough the brown pieces don't match the metal theme. Interesting about the spawning time trick, wonder if it works.

    Unfortunately, I don't see 343 or CA fixing this since it seems it was done on purpose. I hope they at least extend it. As far as lag of framerate goes... the Exile map can get really really bad in a big team match at times, surprised they didn't do anything about that.

    Zatherla I am really looking forward to all of your new Halo 4 work.

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