Intro: Overflow is my newest map made for all gametypes. It is a remake of my map, The Dried River. The reason I made a remake of it is because the Dried River was a "low quality but high concept" map. Now I've made a really great map that I hope everyone will enjoy. My aim: My aim for Overflow was to create a cleaner, better version of the dried river. I wanted to make a few more additions to it aswell such as making the river full of water (plasma shields), creating two sniper huts looking upon the bridge, creating a bigger better downstairs area, and adding a new way to get to the downstairs from the side. I felt that I could do a better job on this map using the new forging tequniques I have learned. I feel that my map is a success. Description: Overflow is a map with two different sections. The first section is upstairs. It leads to a bridge over a river. On the right side of the bridge is a sniper hut overlooking the map. You are able to go into the "water" to be protected from gunfire from above. The "water" from the river overflows on both sides down to the bottom level. The downstairs area is full of cover and slit up by slightly lower ceiling. From the center you are able to go into a small room leading to a walkway to the main floor. This map has lots of plasma gernades which I find pretty cool. Background (Story): UNSC has created a spartan tactical training arena inside an old foundry. The map overflows with mysterious "water" that can supposodly stop bullets dead in their tracks. It was once said that Master Chief himself passed threw this training facility, will you? All gametypes work. Comments are greatly appreciated!!!!! I have a lot of pics so I'll post a link to the map up here as well as the bottom: Overflow Now for the Pics:: Upstairs Side of Main Floor Downstairs Sniper Hut The River Alternate path to Main Level Downstairs Spawn Area Action Shots (taken from previous version so not everything is exactly the same):: DOWNLOAD OVERFLOW
i hear actually watert can stop bullets pretty well too, espically high powered weapons like snipers. nice map, though
Your map looks great although the name "Overflow" has been used before it doesn't really matter though. Map 5/5
Very well constructed thread, and map. Looks like a pretty original map, i might download it and give it a spin
Looks like a really fun map to play gameplay = 5/5 actual forging is about a 4.5/5 really nice work overall
I had a quick forge through and the map looks preety well done i like the layout of the map i will have to play some games and get back to you Nice map Whitelime
Looks good. Great layout but it looks sloppy. Also, I hate the idea of spawning the sniper in its prime vantage point.
From my expierence with the map the sniper huts weren't always the most effective place to snipe from, it was looking down on the main floor from the upper floor (if that makes any sense). Anyways, I understand how you would think that.
Amazing! I played The Dried River and i thought it was pretty good, but this is just sick. 5/5 keep up the awesome work dude
Wow I'm really suprised someone here has played the dried river, it only got like 36 downloads. Thanks for the comment!
I DL'd and looked around, and I thought that there were a few small parts that need another look, but it's nothing big. Personally, I'd change the weapon placement a bit. In the end, the concept is good, the map was made pretty well. Just a little touching up may make this map a good TGIF map.
i like the little htus, i dont konw why, but they give a really good aesthetic touch to the map, looks like a pretty in depth map so good job.
First off I would like to point out that your fictional story was very nice and i like how u said the water has been said to stop bullets right in their tracks. Ok now to the map.It gives me a feeling from Kentucky Tango.Which means that its very good.I like how the river goes under the bridge (reminds me of this park bywhere I live).The map has a feel of openess and closeness.The downstairs reminds me of relic from halo 2.I would say 5/5.And supprisingly I dont have any suggestions for this map and hopefully you will keep getting better at making them.
There is actually no real water in this map, btw. upon further examination I reasserted that they were indeed shield doors, not water.