Look'n for a few guys to Playtest 4v4 sized maps, ill have a lobby open tonight after work. Leave a post here if you have a map you want to test out and can be online at 5pm central. Send FR: AnotherClaymore
Taurus Station - alpha build no play test. More suited for BTB but should work because its no much larger than Valhallaand we play that on 8players all the time The map does neat stuff with gravity. http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-forge-discussion/142568-taurus-station.html
I've got two to test, I'll be on a little after 5, when I get home from work. I'll send you an XBL message when I get on. GT = Same.
Sounds good, I also have two maps to test and I'm gonna download a few maps from the "completed maps" thread at the top of this forum. If we have more guys we can run 5v5 or 6v6 or whatever. Cya online
I wish I could join, but I've got finals in the morning tomorrow, however if you could test out my map thread then I would greatly appreciate it.