ForgeHub needs to have a Far Cry 3 Mapmaking section. No, seriously. Take a look at how much cooler this is than H4 Forge: You can make AI animals and enemies and beautiful landscapes, for god sakes! /discussion (Can't figure out how to embed)
Vehicles are back in multiplayer? I thought Ubisoft got rid of them. But seriously, this might just be the most beautiful map editor I have ever seen in a game. Far Cry 2 was great, and this is just a map maker's wet dream. I truely cannot wait. for your viewing pleasure
A map editor is only as good as the game it's for. Assuming otherwise was the mistake I made with Far Cry 2. I bought it for the map editor, then realized the multiplayer was boring as hell.
Might want to relook Far Cry 3, as the multiplayer looks ALOT better than the original. If that doesn't suffice, you can make your own makeshift singleplayer missions and challenges using the enemy AI components. On console as well.
I don't know why, but the map boundary tool was my favorite feature shown. The geometry editing is awesome, but dat boundary easier to use and much better than laying down boxes of safe/kill zones.
I want the editor but I am not designing competitive maps, as the multiplayer looks dumb. I'm going to use it for other things, as you can place AI and such. I'm looking at single player play spaces or non-standard multiplayer.
I'm gonna make a plethora of maps in Far Cry 3. Multiplayer maps, single-player missions, maybe even race since they put vehicles back in.
The 'escape wig's mind' series was amazing. Puzzle maps are going to be amazing. This section needs to come back.
Far Cry 3 Map Editor Custom Map #2 - Industry - YouTube The building potential is just awesome. I will definitely be getting this soon and am planning to remake Crash from Cod4.
Way back in the day with FarCry2, ForgeHub had a forum/website for the FarCry2 map editor and I honestly can't remember exactly what happened but basically, it was taken down because of certain reasons. Low interest in the game combined with the fact we're at heart a Halo Forging website pretty much killed the idea. In the end, I agree the map editor looks amazing for everything that you can do, but I believe we should stick with our roots of being a Halo Forging website.
It was taken down because the multiplayer was absolutely shite. As it most likely will be in FC3 (or from what i've seen). And the fileshare system was terrible.
Yeah there was no internet compatibility (or cross platform compatibility) with their maps. On top of that there was no way of taking screenshots. Maybe they will see sense and invest in a good setup so we can manage content online.