Gentlemen! Check Your Emails! Free Specializations Inbound!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by stickmanmeyhem, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Shik

    Shik Forerunner

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    No email for me, I've been playing since the 6th
  2. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    Wait a sec. We're not allowed to have specializations if we didn't play in the first couple days? I know I'm misunderstanding here, can someone explain this to me?
  3. DC

    DC Ancient
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    The terms were, play online (infinity) before midnight Nov. 20th to unlock the remaining 6 specializations (everyone is given two). Your account must also be 17+ age. The emails wont be resent, so anyone who had an issue with their email, like myself, are basically ****ed over.

    Personally, i think game changing perks shouldn't be dealt to whoever paid the extra 20$ for LE or whoever didnt play the first two weeks. I don't really think 343 thought how most of the population in the future will be left out of half the ranking system...
  4. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I got a code even though I have the LE. Maybe you guys that have not gotten a code can try to bribe others like me the way someone did me lol.
  5. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    Yeah my xbox live account was set to a dead account that I used when I first made it years ago so there's probably no hope for me getting it now. I just changed it but it says the billing email won't change until Jan 1, so guess I'm screwed.
  6. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    I got it, I like how the giving out gameplay effecting specializations to a select player base.

    Not only disrespecting people who bought LE but disappointing people who didn't get it.

    Wouldn't be surprised if it comes out soon with the DLC or something though and become eventually free for everyone.(Assuming 343i has some common sense at all)
  7. ♥ Sky

    ♥ Sky I Beat the old Staff!
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    Disrespecting? How? I got the LE and I don't feel like I've been disrespected by 343. I bought the LE because I am a fan of Halo, not because of the early access to things. That was a neat little bonus.
  8. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I have the LE as well and I think what they are doing is bullshit.

    I got to select the any of the other six right from the start so I was able to get some that others were not able to get yet. I'm satisfied with that.

    They should go ahead and open them up for everyone now. All they are doing by locking people out at all is making them go play other games because they cannot rank up so even earning the commendations is pointless.

    Just means less people playing Halo and more playing COD.
  9. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    when a game's multiplayer is built around leveling up, and it does not allow you to level up, what would you expect?
  10. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Then gladly they didn't disrespect you, Which is a good thing.

    But when they promised/given to believe(idk which it is) something to be only obtainable though LE then be lied/deceived to by handing it out to people later, Regardless of anything else that is enough to disrespect people.

    Every opinion exists. There will be people who bought the preorder for the recruit armor(which was meant to be preorder only but now everyone starts with it) or the LE for specializations and they will feel like they where cheated into getting preorder or LE.

    Doesn't matter that the armor one was trivial "just armor" it's not ok to be lied and deceived to. Now the LE one has actual implications in gameplay.

    Disrespect LE owners, Disappoint people who didn't get the email, Make it first Halo game have Pay2win(or email to win?) features in the game.(meaning money/email gives you a gameplay advantage ex: having more specializations)
  11. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Still don't have my e-mail either. I've posted in the official thread on Waypoint, but that doesn't appear to mean much right now. I'm actually surprised it was even handled through e-mail, as this just puts people at an even larger disadvantage.
  12. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Ive posted in the waypoint thread, and the xbox support thread, im pretty much **** out of luck because the email under my contact preferences must have been deleted because it was non existent when i tried to sign in.

    1400 + replies in the xbox support thread, 1800+ in the waypoint thread, i dont understand why they dont just unlock it for all who sign up for waypoint, that would make more sense and bring more people to the community
  13. FrozenGoathead

    FrozenGoathead all i want is a CT that says mullosc
    Senior Member

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    I figured out my old email account and forwarded the code to my currently active one, and it worked.
  14. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I think my account is linked to an email that doesn't technically exist.

    I'm not sure how this is supposed to work.
  15. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Hangon mate I need to clear this up.
    Let me get this strait. You paid for LE so that you can obtain 8 Specializations instead of 2 (Which would give you a slight advantage, with a bigger choice of upgrades).
    But when they announced that everybody can obtain these specializations just by playing War Games after the release date you felt 'disrespected' by 343 because everyone who bought the Standard Edition now has access to these upgrades too. And your "Advantage" Is essentially gone because everybody has it.

    Is that what your saying? This upset you?

    I'm just curious as that hardly seems fair to me.
    Look at it this way

    One kid had to save up pocket money for months to afford just the Standard Edition.
    While the other kid had a great family that bought him the LE. These two kids level up and eventually play eachother. Because one kid had a better family (Or a better job, however you want to look at it.) He has an advantage over the other kid in a 1v1 with all his additional upgrades from specializations. But the kid who couldn't afford the full version has less of a chance of winning, as he only had access to 2.

    343 have screwed up big time. It was obviously only a temporary advantage that LE buyers had, as most SE buyers in the US have them by now. I'm still pretty mad the UK or EU hasn't got access to them yet though I'm gonna be stuck at 70 soon. They should've been released at the same time. Regardless of how much you paid for your copy of the game. Having money doesn't qualify you for an unfair advantage. I'm just glad the majority of the fans got their codes so LE buyers like you don't have advantages over the entire party.


    Edit: Look on the brightside, you still have your unicorn helmet to show off your LE.
    #35 Turtlespoon, Dec 4, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2012
  16. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    Good news, guys; I received a message on my 360 from Xbox Live containing the code.
    If you didn't get it yet, I would suggest posting the requested info in the thread on the Waypoint forums.
  17. Wakko45

    Wakko45 Ancient
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    I just got one too from LIVE however never posted in that thread. Looks like they finally realized they messed up and gave it to everyone?
  18. Tallt66

    Tallt66 The Joker
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    I just redeemed mine and i am only a level SR23, so I guess your level isn't really a factor here.
  19. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Received one too and pretty happy about it, i thought i was screwed
  20. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Look at my 2 previous posts in this thread closely, And you will realize I didn't get LE and I'm against the whole idea of specializations.

    But if 343i gonna promise to give broken pay to win specializations to LE owners DO it, don't back stab people who payed extra money for your game. While simultaneously disappointing and disadvantaging anyone who didn't get the specializations from LE or Email.

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