Hey all, As for starting Halo 4 I've decided to join the Forgotten Treasure competition by remaking Derelict from Halo: CE. Which was remade in Halo 2 as Desolation. For those of you who haven't played the original, it is a very small, confined map. I haven't done much/any play-testing other than to make sure gametypes are compatible. Though from Halo: CE, after 5v5 or 6v6 it gets a little cramped. Base map is Impact, and it is a two level, symmetrical, octagonal map. Work(ed) great on CTF, Team Snipers, 1v1s, and General 4v4 slayer. I'm not the best at making spawns, but I've put more effort into this my other maps I've made. Currently supports CTF, KOTH, Slayer (Team and FFA), and Oddball. Search my Gamertag (Christophac7) and it will be in my file share. And if you feel like taking a run on it with me in 1v1 or whatever, I'm usually on during the week, just PM here or on Xbox. Thanks!
Very cool stuff. One thing I noticed, the top floor walkways seem narrower than I remember from CE. I could be wrong though
If you posted pictures, you'd get twice the replies. I'm not gunna go on xbox specifically just to look at some guy's map. At least show me something to get me interested. That's what she said.
Anyway to do that without a capture card currently? EDIT: Without just whipping out the digital camera and uploading* [br][/br]Edited by merge: Shameless self bump. Now added pictures!
The 4 player game of Regicide on this map was actually pretty fun, but the spawns need a little bit of work. You often spawn right in the line of sights of the other players when you respawn up top.
I tried looking at your file share and was not able to find it. Can you repost it in your file share please? Thank you. I'd be glad to 1v1 you on it anytime as well. Derelict was my favorite map in Halo:CE so please let me know. =)