the map is on ravine, but when I try to load it, instead it loads Impact (that's also the map name). the map has just a few items on it that I put down myself. I remember I saved it, but I'm sure I didn't overwrite my other map. it also has the description of a map I downloaded. do you know of a way to get my map back?
You my friend, have suffered from Halo's dreaded Map Overwrite glitch. Unless if you have another saved copy of the map, it is forever lost. Sorry.
how can they let such a glitch? and how could they mess it up anyway? you can save stuff in every goddamn game and that kind of glitch never happens.
I've heard that it occurs when you use Save instead of Save As when you are saving your map. Just always use Save As and version numbers and you should be fine from now on
yeah I think I did that. I hadn't name the map yet and probably hit save, and the game didn't appreciate that it overwrote impact. (which is funny, because I have 2 downloaded maps with the same name, and there is no problem...) well, anyway the game could have overwritten any of the maps I downloaded instead of the one I made...
best bet is to Save New Map as often as you can. Generally it doesnt glitch using this method, and if it does you only lose a few minutes of work anyway.