Remake: Damnation/Penance

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by PA1NTS, Nov 18, 2012.


What should I name this map?

Poll closed Dec 18, 2012.
  1. Hindrance

  2. Waterlogged

  3. Atonement

  1. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    #1 PA1NTS, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2013
  2. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Another Sword Base remake!?
    #2 xzamplez, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  3. SpartanPeter

    SpartanPeter Around the Block

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    That looks absolutly beast and accurate. I will defenitly be downloading this, looks very awesome. And the rust feel fits the map, glad you didnt build it on impact or ravine. Even though we dont have an covenant pallete, you really pulled it off here. Great job man, love it.
  4. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    I remember seeing this when it was half finished during one of our testing sessions... I flew around a bit in the forge and instantly knew exactly what map it was. pretty darn accurate remake, I look forward to playing this in customs. also thought you might want some constructive criticism I'm not trying to mad dogg your work, just insisting you go the extra mile and win this contest!!!

    there is a pillar in the blue room, also another set of pipes that connect to the upper wall, in damnation you could actually jump down and camp on top of it.
    this is debatable but in the original halo the damn bridge had jump gaps in it.
    you should add the small platform to the sniper's nest
    the distance from the shotty room to the rocket room should be a bit deeper.
    perhaps lower the floor a bit, (drop should incur fall damage, making jumping down to the rocket a bit risky)
    and last but not least, the teleporter area where the sniper is should have a thinner catwalk, probably 2x4 peices instead of the 4x4.
    here is a blueprint view of damnation, thought it might be helpful.
    again I don't mean to dissect your map, but if you fixed all these minor details it would be damn near perfect.
    #4 J4G3RM31ST3R, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Agreed with the above, especially regarding the rocket trench - I immediately noticed it felt kind of shallow compared to the original. And that platform next to snipe spawn is necessary for jumping down; I notice someone actually did so in your gameplay vid, but when we were testing I stopped myself from attempting that jump because I thought I might just fall to my death. In the original that is an easy drop to make.

    Otherwise this is a good start on a damn fine remake. The only unfortunate part you won't be able to work around is that texture and color - interiors really look pooptastic on Erosion. :( But I understand you need to build there to have the pipes.
  6. Zigywig

    Zigywig Forerunner

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    Ignore Nutduster about the pieces on Erosion looking poopy. I think its a unique-looking pallet and is a good break from Ravine and Impact's white textures.

    As for the map, I like how it looks like a human revamp of Damnation/Penance instead of a Covie-themed texture (we only have human textures :p). I agree with J4G3RM31ST3R about adding all the extra features, they would make the map perfect.
    #6 Zigywig, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
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    I think you're confusing 'unique' with 'disgusting'.

    The white textures look better, but then again, this is only an opinion.
  8. Tycho

    Tycho Forerunner
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    I guess being faithful to the original isn't part of the contest.

    I also agree with the color pallet on Erosion, it just isn't appealing. Would have been cool if you made a Impact version with all the objects having a purple color.

    Aside from all that, it's a decent take on the map. The way you scaled it is strange, as well as the additions you made such as the grav-lift that lifts up to the sniper area.

    I don't know man, just a bunch of weird choices in this one.
  9. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    how's the map coming along, any updates?
  10. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Nice, glad to see someone's going for the more difficult remakes.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'm a fan of that grav lift, or at least the idea behind it. Damnation was one of my favorite CE maps but it has a huge design flaw: the entire top half of the map is separated from the bottom half by two tiny choke points. Jetpack mitigates that somewhat if it's used, but really there should be at least one more way up there for general use, regardless of your AA.
  12. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    Not sure if trolling or if you didn't even LOOK at the map

    Anyways the map looks nice, I'm liking your piece usage but I don't understand why you put rocks under the platforms where the water is usually going, it just looks odd.
  13. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    I don't think the grav lift works well for this map. its supposed to be a 2 way teleporter. the grav lift only goes one direction. which is destroying one of the paths, Imo that makes the choke points worse because it gives the other team an advantage.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    The two-way teleporter that was on Damnation and Penance both is still there. The new grav lift (the one that wasn't on Penance) goes from the shotty hallways up to the top level. There's no need for it to go two directions because the team that spawns up top already has a massive advantage and can drop down from many different places to get to the bottom. It certainly doesn't make the choke points worse - it adds one way (to the original two) that you can get from red room & shotgun hallways to the green & snipe bridge level.
  15. iDismaL

    iDismaL Promethean

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    Pretty accurate, I would change those octagonal entrances/doorways though. Their bottom half is too narrow. A good rule for entrances like that is using the width of 3 players.
  16. J4G3RM31ST3R

    J4G3RM31ST3R Promethean

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    my bad, I thought it was the teleporter that had been turned into a lift, had to watch the video again to see what you were talking about.
  17. fame28

    fame28 Forgotten Treasure
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    I played on this map last night with Paints and I thought it was pretty awesome. I actually enjoyed this map remade on Erosion due to its texture. Most other remakes on Erosion just don't look very good in the lighting, but this map felt like that was the actual theme for this map. I loved the curved ramp instead of the usual linear ramps in the original map. I do agree though I don't like the small Octagon bottom edge of the doors. The need to be wider at the bottoms.
  18. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Update: [v 1.42] (12/02/12) A much needed update on the map. I've been working hard on fixing all of the issues that were brought up in this thread. I've posted pics showing all of the things that I've changed. I tried to take the pictures at the same angle of the pics you guys posted, so that you can compare.

    Before the update, blue room was looking fairly plain, and it was missing the other pillar and the other set of pipes. Here's the updated blue room.


    I chose to use the Penance version of the bridge. I think the circular pieces look unique and it adds more space to walk on.


    Done and Done.


    The fall damage is different in Halo 4, so the drop won't incur fall damage, but I did lower the trench signifigantly, so that you can just barely jump out of it.


    I think you are mistaken. The highest catwalk in fact is supposed to be 2 units wide, but that's what I had it as originally. Maybe you just can't tell from the video. Here's a pic showing that it is the correct width.


    Thanks so much for taking the time to point out these problems. If it weren't for you, they might have been overlooked. Also, what kind of blueprint is that? Is it an early design of the map? Cause that's not the same damnation.

    If you wanna try and scale the map better, go right ahead.

    Have you ever played Penance? There is supposed to be a gravity lift up to sniper. Shows how much you know.


    It was difficult. I don't even have time to start another remake. I was gunna do Epitaph.

    I used vehicle pads upside down, so I had to cover up the vehicle hologram with something. I just thought it looked natural; the rocks holding up the platforms.


    The "new" grav lift isn't so new. It was used in the MLG version of penance. It is very useful. I combined all of the grav lifts that had been in Damnation/Penance/MLG Penance v2 for my remake, so that movement wasn't so restricted. BTW Nutduster, I got rid of the framerate!!

    So I went around changing all of the entrances. I sunk the weird edges into the floor, so that the doors are larger and much less awkward. Most of them are like this, the only one's that aren't, are the doors that were already wide enough for 3 players.


    Thanks again to the people who provided constructive feedback. Also thanks to the testers.

    Looks like everyone has decided on Atonement for a map name.

    Atonement will be released soon!
    #18 PA1NTS, Dec 2, 2012
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2012
  19. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I like it, Paints. I like it.
  20. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I really really like this. I love how you've gone for a challenging remake and actually pulled it off. The map doesn't look bad and you've gone out and made improvements to it, which is good.

    I look forward to seeing the completed Atonement and getting a few games on it. If you ever need further playtesting, feel free to add me on Live and I'll gladly help out.

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