For those of you not familiar with The Halo Forge Epidemic, we are a youtube channel devoted to Halo's forge mode. We have all of our Halo 4 tutorials posted in this thread, but our features are an even bigger part of what we are. Feel free to leave feedback and such here happy viewing! Our maps are divided into six categories which include competitive, dominion, flood, minigame, race, and aesthetic maps. I cant embed 70 videos into one post, so I'll simply link the playlists. There will be a seventh category of features unveiled in the near future! All THFE Features in Halo 4 Flood Features, hosted by Mr. Pokephile Minigame Features, hosted by Oakley HiDef & AJ Yusi Race Features, hosted by RLD Hottamale Competitive Features, hosted by Psychoduck Dominion Features, hosted by Able SirThomas Aesthetic Features, hosted by Oakley HiDef Thanks for watching!
After watching some of these videos; Jurassic Park, Infected Ravine, I can't decide whether it inspired me a lot or if I should quit forge because I'll never be that good.
Great maps... Jurassic Park is a really good idea and executed perfectly. By the way, I cannot find the Jurassic Park gametype on A J's file share just the map. Where can I get it?
Can this get stickied too? It's very similar to Mr Pokephile's. I don't see why not. And Duck, you should add the video that shows people how to submit maps to THFE. Then you could display more maps from forge hub members.
Wakko, use these as inspiration to improve your forging if need be, don't ever give up on it. Cryppy, you'll have to show me whatever you're working on and I'll take it into consideration. Ghost, the gametype is not currently on Yusi's file share, I'll make sure he gets it up there soon, of course that'll all be better once Waypoint's file sharing is back up. Paints, as soon as the online file sharing is up we'll be making a new video on how to submit maps, which will definitely find its way into this thread.
Jurassic park is a pretty amazing idea. The one thing that I was hoping for, but I am assuming is impossible, would be an infected driven, weaponless, un-jackable Mantis as the T-rex. Maybe it could be released a minuet or two into the game or something. Did you guys try anything like that already? If not I will probably tinker around with the map in forge just to see if it's possible. I haven't done much with infection yet, but I've heard that there are a few new limitations unfortunately. Anyways, great work as always.
I think the only limitations is the ability to change spartans colors, you can't change the flood's weapon or their armor ability (but you can disable it). Not sure if I am missing something but not being able to change the flood weapon is a big let down but the best thing about the new infection is how the Flood look. I think you can make flood drive vehicles or get in as passengers but don't quote me on that. I wouldn't think you could though, if I had to guess.
We haven't tried that Wade, good luck if you give it a shot. flood is a bit limited now, but it's not too bad.
I read on the comments of the slender map something you said: we created 10 silver accounts each of which is friended to 100 of our fans. To get a lobby together send a message to "THFE 01"-"THFE10". Once you send a message (dont expect an answer) you should be able to view the profile of those silver accounts. Hit view friends and there you will find a bunch of people to play with. I tried it. I sent a message to THFE01, but I don't understand how am I supposed to see the profile after that? Thank you! I think this is a really good idea!
Essentially, we have these ten silver accounts (as well as a few others) to get more subscribers into custom games. We'll invite the people off of these accounts' friends lists to customs when we play. However, if you weren't able to get a spot on one of these, you can still use them in a different way. If you send a message or private chat invite to these accounts it will then allow you to go on the profile and view its friends. from there, you can contact other subscribers easily and hopefully get together with some of them for customs. Getting subs into custom games to play the maps we feature is a big part of what we want to do as a channel, and we'll be working on this in the future to create new ways for this to be done.
Yeah, I hadn't touched the thread as it had been buried for ages. It's all up-to-date now, and will self update in the future!