High Impact

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Zialum, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Zialum

    Zialum Promethean

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    This is a beta.

    This is my first ever forge creation. I didn't really have a plan when putting this together, so this is just a very rough draft. To get this to be its best, I will need to rebuild it from scratch, so I'm trying to find out if you guys think it will be worth my time. It turned out a lot better than I expected and I think it might play really well.

    It is completely symmetrical, so when I show one side's view, it will be the same for the other side.

    UPDATE V1.1: I've tried to reduce clutter, and make each object have a purpose. Unfortunately, I need to remake the map to be able to make it symmetrical. This is going to take a little while to get where it will be playable. In the meantime, I'd love feedback so I know what to change.

    Overhead View:
    This is split in half, it will be the exact same on the other side.

    Top left is a sniper tower:
    You can get to Sniper by taking the grav lift from the second floor, jumping from top middle:
    Or by taking the walkway to it's right:
    The top right is just a safe room. You can get to the third level from middle by jumping onto the diagonal roof of second level. You can get to the second level by taking the ramp in the back, or jumping onto the hangars of the first level.

    There is a ramp to the far right:
    That goes all the way up to safe room, or you can jump of on second level. There is also a ramp that leads to top middle.

    You can get to top middle via left ramp, main ramp, grav lift, or by jumping from sniper tower to the roof of the grav lift.

    In the very middle is a trench:

    With rockets underneath:

    At each end of the map is a teleporter to get to the opposite side.

    That's about it I think. This is only half done, and I need to start over to be able to finish it, but I think there is plenty here for me to get feedback on.

    If you would like to walk around on the (half) map, my gamertag is ziaium and it is under High Impact Beta.

    Thanks for looking, and all comments are appreciated!
    #1 Zialum, Nov 30, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2012
  2. Preacher001

    Preacher001 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I took a quick run around your map and it's painfully clear that it's your first map. That's not a bad thing, we've all been there, but I probably would have played around for a bit longer before making my first post. I think you would agree since you even say
    What you have created looks less like a map and more like what ends up happening when I brainstorm a number of concepts in one place. I actually have one that has some of my best forging in it but taken as whole is absolutely frightening. It's too bad because there were some great ides in there and similarly there are some creative ideas in your map.

    My suggestion is copy this map, and in the copy tear things apart. Try creating strange and terrible things. When something seems cool, effective or fun save it and use it as a reference. Download and tear apart a few good maps. Find what you like and emulate or recreate it. Build a simple fun map to start and play test the hell out of it. When you've got something that seems to be working, post the same request for help.

    The problem is that right now it looks like you are still getting used to the whole concept of map building which makes it difficult as to where to start with helping you.

    Good luck and happy forging.
  3. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this map has a theme? on the pictures it looks very open with a few random covers. still looks decent for a 1st map.
  4. Zialum

    Zialum Promethean

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    @ Preacher, you were completely right. I posted this way too early. This pretty much turned into a testing map for what I want to build. I'm trying things out to try and see what I want when I build it for real. It's going to be this map, just with a lot of tweaks to get it to play well/look nice. I guess I posted it in the wrong place? I wasn't sure where to put this thread, I'm new here.

    @ Fauch: Thanks! I wanted a three level small map, with an attic in the middle that kind of resembled Midship. From there I kind of winged it.

    I've redone the layout, trying to reduce clutter. I'm going to update with better pics in the top.
  5. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Try working on adding more structure, and design to the bases, attempt to not make any area a dead end or campable area as well. I overall like the look, concept, you are going for and I think once you begin to rebuild it with more ideas in mind as a complete map, then it will look much better.

    Where you have the ring made out of bridges in the middle, flip those bridges over and add some structure around the ring, right now it looks somewhat bland and unattended. It looks like thats a area that should be focused on quite a bit in the rebuild, I look forward to see what you come up with.

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