Hello everybody, I've been a passionate Halo player ever since the first game and I'm starting to take a renewed interest in Forge thanks to Halo 4, even though i'm rather inexperienced. I was looking for a place to receive some constructive feedback in the hope of getting better at creating maps. The community around here seemed fairly civil, so I signed up. Obviously I'm also looking forward to discover and discuss some of other people's creations. English is only a third language for me though, so please don't be surprised if I may not sound very natural sometimes. I hope everything is readable at least. I have however a small issue / question. Due to technical reasons, I won't be able to post any pictures or videos of my maps. Given that the rather restrictive forum rules prohibit the advertising of completed maps without images, is there really no way for me to share my maps with the community? Are there any exception to this rule, like in a "map preview"-type of topic? I hope that a solution can be found. I didn't want to placate the board with several of my topics, so I merged my introduction and my request into one. I hope it's ok.
If you cannot take screenshots with a device, your best bet would be to create a Map Preview with a very good description and way to download the map although I would recommend against doing that. I'm not sure how limited you are, but if there is a spare flash drive laying around, you could use this method to take screenshots. Aside from that, the only other ways I could think of would be to find somebody nice enough to take screenshots for you or simply wait for filesharing to come back in a couple of weeks. If the layout isn't too complicated and you draw it out on graph paper, I would be willing to make a model of it in Sketchup, if you'd like. Welcome to Forgehub, man. Initiation starts in the chatbox.
If you put everything in your fileshare and send me a message (My GT is the same as my name here), I'll take 5 or so pictures and a video for you.
@Auburn: Thanks for the quick response. Unfortunately my technical possibilities are very limited at the moment. I can only use a simple Internet browser and not much else. I can't down- or upload anything, for example. It's very nice of you to offer to help, but it sounds rather complicated and I wouldn't really want for anybody to go through all this trouble just so I can present my map. I'd be willing to write a very detailed description if it would be enough. People could still view it ingame, after all. But I'm afraid my topic would quickly end up being deleted, if I understand the rules correctly. @Sargeant Sarcasm: If I uploaded my two selected ingame-screenshots to my fileshare, would you be willing to post them in my eventual topic? That would be very nice.
I'll host them and link you to them. But you'd have to grab them and host them yourself since I'd be using my dropbox account.
I wish you the best of luck. I'm afraid I can't help you either, seeing as I have little know-how of Waypoint's issues at the moment Welcome to Forgehub. Your English is very good for being a third language (apart from placate), did you pick it up young? Useful link: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/introductions/69300-new-forge-hub-all-information-here.html#post856202
Well if you can get someone else to host it for you (via imageshack, photobucket, etc) I'll still grab the pictures for you. I just can't host them because I don't have time as it is but since I'm one of the few on the site with a cap card I'm helping out in a way few others are able to during the fileshare blackout.
Thanks. No, actually, I learned english pretty much by myself during the last couple of years. I had english class of course back when I still went to school, but... well let's face it: Nobody really learns any foreign languages in school. As for the link, I already checked it out before posting this topic. I'm afraid it doesn't address my particular problem though. @Sargeant Sarcasm: I understand, and I may come back to your offer, but it would still end up being a little too complicated. I wouldn't want to have to bother several people every time I want to share some map. And I still don't think that I could even link to or embed the pictures. If I may say so freely, I don't really see the point in such severe restrictions. It would be a lot easier if I could simply post a map preview topic somewhere with a detailed description of my map. I could put a couple of ingame-screenshots in my File Share so that people could have a look at it without having to download it first. I don't really see the potential downside. I guess I'll be waiting for an official statement.
No stupid, that's in the other thread. and that price is voluntary if they're getting a dropbox account anyway.