Does anybody know if it's possible to remake the Elevator part of Reflection, which leads to the sniper area from Reach to Halo 4?,r:20,s:0,i:145&tx=136&ty=147 (This is an image I found in google images) I'm looking at recreating Reflection/Ivory Tower in Halo 4, and I'm just wondering if it's possible to make. Thankyou.
I dont this is possible, not with gravity zones and not with trait zones. Gravity zones will cover an too large area and trait zones will only get you to one floor. Maybe with an pressure plate, but it will not look to good and might not even work. Maybe its possible, i just cant think of any possibilty right now.
well with pallets you could probably do something with gravity volumes and cancel out the surrounding area with trait zones, but stopping at elevator 2 would probably be impossible to do automatically, and idk how you could make an infinite loop going
you could do something that works affectively the same, but not with teh actual elevator floor piece. Trait zones can be used and set to the precise values to let you make one jump within the zone get you to the first floor, and then if you jumped from that se cond floor while still in the trait zone, it could take you to the third. you could also use an explosive button to trigger the removal of a barrier such as fusion coils so that the lift takes you all the way up rather than part way up. the functionality may end up being like an elevator, but it won't look like one, unfortunately.
A more practical approach would be to use one way shield door lifts on the sides of the elevator shaft, 1-2 and 2-3. If your lift goes slow enough, you could probably just make people get off where they want to go. It's not that big a deal anyway.
I guess I'de have to make something that takes you straight to the third floor. If you want to get to the second or first you jump down. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I was thinking that at first, hopefully if I do so it doesn't look odd.
That's what I'm thinking, hopefully I can make it slow enough so you can stop off at the top 2 floors.
Try reducing the angle to about 2 or 3 degrees off vertical. That should do it and be fast enough to stop shotgun campers at the same time.