Dawn of the Dead Infection Map Pack

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Jester, May 22, 2008.


How would you rate the DotD Map Pack out of 5?

  1. 1 (Poor)

    4 vote(s)
  2. 2

    2 vote(s)
  3. 3

    1 vote(s)
  4. 4

    13 vote(s)
  5. 5 (Excellent)

    32 vote(s)
  1. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hello, Forge Hub community. My name is Jester, and today I am making my first contribution to the Forge Hub.
    I am a fan of the infection game type, and greatly enjoy participating in these high-suspense games. However, one day I discovered that although I had several interesting maps available for play, I lacked a comprehensive infection map that could be pulled up on demand for a quick round or two. Shocked by my discovery, I set to work creating a fair, balanced infection map. When the dust lifted, I had created not just one but three maps. These three maps are different in their intended game size; one is small, another medium, and the last large. All three maps are intended to be fair infection courses, with very few camping spots and always multiple routes of attack for the zombies. I am proud to present my Dawn of the Dead Infection Map Pack to the Forge Hub community.​

    Game-Type: Dawn of the Dead
    This infection variant is meant to be a fair balance for both zombies and humans. ​

    The infected traits:
    • 50% health
    • no shields
    • 150% movement
    • 10m motion detector
    • Energy Sword
    The human traits:
    • no shields (This is to prevent grenade jumping)
    • Normal health and movement
    • 10m motion detector
    • Assault rifle and Magnum
    The Last Man Standing does not inherit any new traits.

    Map 1: DotD- Crypt

    Crypt is the small-sized map in the map pack. It takes up half of Foundry, and consists of two main areas: the graveyard and the house. Zombies spawn behind shield doors at the base of the graveyard and must make a choice: they can rush headlong towards the house, using the gravestones for cover, or they can enter the catacombs, and either pop out of one of five graves or covertly enter the basement of the house. Due to the multiple routes of attack provided for the infected, the humans are extensively armed. A machine gun turret overlooks the graveyard, SMGs and a Sniper are present to protect the belfry of the house, and a flamethrower inside the house helps deal with infected coming in from the basement. In testing this map makes for very quick rounds, but insanely intense action. The only salvation for the humans is to work together. Divided you will fall. Works best for 4-8 players.​

    View of the map looking from infected spawn.

    View of the map looking from the roof of the house. Note the turret.

    The tunnels are tall enough to stand in, resulting in rapid infected movement.

    The interior of the house. The stairs lead to the belfry, the pallet covers the access to the basement.

    Map 2: DotD- Manor
    Manor is the medium-size map in the map pack. It takes up three-quarters of Foundry and consists of four main areas: the outside, the inside, the basement, and the graveyard. Again, the infected spawn behind shield doors and must make a choice: they can rush the front door, take the man cannon into the attic, or use the tunnel to access the graveyard or basement. Humans do not start out as heavily armed as in Crypt; this time they must work to get their weapons. The sniper is hidden in a cellar out front of the house, so any sniper crazy players must risk their necks to get it. The flamethrower is placed near the infected entrance to the tunnel, so again humans risk infection when attempting to get it. The rockets are hidden in the graveyard, but only spawn with two rockets. The shotgun is hidden beneath the boxes in the basement. In the graveyard there are several open graves which make for good final stands, but be warned; you are easily within lunge distance if you fail to kill the infected in one hit. In testing, this map makes for longer rounds with team game play working best. Works best for 6-10 players.​

    The exterior of the manor. Note the entrance to the tunnel in the middle of the cliff.

    The basement of the manor. The stairs lead to the main building. The entrance from the tunnel is to the right.

    The graveyard. The entrance from the tunnel is the stairwell covered by pallets. The other two pallets lead to the open graves.

    Map 3: DotD- District
    District is the large-size map in the map pack. It takes up all of Foundry, and is characterized by its unique buildings. The most noteworthy buildings are the construction site, tower building, and warehouse. The construction site is characterized by the scaffolding surrounding it. The scaffolding provides access to the roof, but is destructible. This destructibility benefits everyone as humans can destroy it to slow down infected, and infected can cut up from below to send humans plummeting to their deaths. The tower building includes three elevator shafts. Two are working thanks to the Forging 101 section on switches, and the last is out of order, but provides a way down from the tower. The warehouse was creating using geomerging, and contains several powerful weapons such as the flamethrower, spartan laser and sentinel beam. The infected swarm out of one of three holes in a wall separating their spawn area from the rest of the district. In testing, made for longer rounds with teamwork being essential. Works best for 8-16 players. ​

    Main overview of the map. Infected spawn is to the right, construction site is to the left.[​IMG]

    Elevator shafts. Yellow= go, red= no.

    Entrance to the warehouse. Yay for geo-merging!

    Thanks to:​

    • Joker LS for his "help" on Crypt​
    • Fbu for his tutorial on high-def picture embedding​
    • You, the reader, for reading all that stuff I wrote!​

    Please note: Due to crowding on my file share, I have deemed it necessary to remove DotD- Crypt and DotD- District. Please go here to download the newer version of DotD- Crypt, called Grave Yard. DotD- District had several gameplay issues that were too complicated to sort out. I have a similar map in the works, so just stay posted.

    All of my maps and games can be downloaded from MY FILESHARE
    #1 Jester, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2008
  2. eskykhess

    eskykhess Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    first reply looks good i will dl in a moment

    o seems u r pretty new to fh welcome
    #2 eskykhess, May 22, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 7, 2008
  3. nealsaviking

    nealsaviking Ancient
    Senior Member

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    All looks very well made. Great job!
    The only problem is in the CQB map (first one), in the tunnels, you could camp down there and have one person cover each side and the magnum will kill with one easy headshot. Me and my friends all hated the gameplay on that map for that main reason. But every map is well designed and fun to play on. Maybe give the zombies a small shield. I mean very small.
    #3 nealsaviking, May 22, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2008
  4. Mount Killamonjaro

    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    looks really well forged and extremely fun for infection!
  5. murdermac

    murdermac Ancient
    Senior Member

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    they all look good. Also, thanks for posting correctly the first time and having pics up
  6. texturedlemur

    texturedlemur Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks sweet i love infection and map packs i will DL
  7. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Pretty good map for a new comer,
    great interlocking
    keep up the forging and ideas
  8. wiggums

    wiggums Guest

    these are awesome! im totally going to play them all the time!!! AWESOME
  9. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You too, dont double post.

    THis looks really good depending who its coming from. In fact it looks good, period. And, yeah, Hooray for GeoMerging, I completely agree.
  10. BIGGnelson

    BIGGnelson Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hey this looks great i saw title and i was like o yea another of the millions of poor infection games but this looks great and i always love the idea of tunnels on the first one can't wait to here from you more
  11. Jester

    Jester Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Ty for all the positive feedback guys! Very encouraging

    (zomg ty)
  12. foreverdarkness

    foreverdarkness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    good lookin map and ive been tryin to make pics bigger in my post but i cant boo-hoo
  13. MattDGiant

    MattDGiant Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks great, however a couple of spots could have had neater interlocking.
    For example, see the bridges in the first picture, and the bridges in the 5th picture. Small aesthetic details aside, however, the maps really do look fun and good.
  14. Terminate421

    Terminate421 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks good, ill download it!
  15. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Amazing job! dubble blood points for having such a amazing post on your first one unlike most others! Welcome to forge hub and also amazing maps. Great job.
  16. eskychess

    eskychess Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    looks like a good map i will definitly dl all maps and gts gj
  17. Cory2992

    Cory2992 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i enjoyed playing crypt but the other 2 me and my friends just couldnt get into
  18. Arch3m

    Arch3m Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks really good! I feel inspired to make more infection maps now.
  19. Tofu

    Tofu Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These maps are very fun to play on. I especcially like the Crypt Map.
  20. Alasel

    Alasel Ancient
    Senior Member

    Likes Received:
    Looks nice, downloading!

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