Hello everyone MO Liciou5 is back with a Colossus remake that will kick you back to Halo 2. Technically this is a remake of a remake as i made Mammoth for Halo Reach. I am looking for any comments that are constructive. nothing was overlooked when making this map. The only thing that was left out were the conveyor belts. The map is set up for all gametypes with the exception of Extraction, Dominion and Flood. give it a download and let me know. Low quality pics below. This is a view from the bridge towards the mancannon at center. This view is from Red platform, featuring the bridge in the foreground and Blue base in the background. This view is from directly behind the mancannon, looking up at the tall roof and window. This view is sightly below Blue platform looking at Red platform, Red base and the bridge (bottom left, you can just see my guy hanging out there). Looking out of Blue window. Red window is visible across the map. Well guys this is all I have for now. Thankfully I have a working phone to take images with, or this post would have been very boring. I am always looking to get a game going on this map. I am also willing to try out others as well. Send a FR to MO Liciou5 and well play. comments welcome and appreciated.
I just played it. It seems pretty accurate, but without the moving conveyor belts it just feels empty D; You could try and remake them with the generator thing but I think that would take way too much budget x'D It's a very good remake though c: One of my favourite maps on Halo 2.
You could try to use gravity volumes and crates to create the conveyor belt. Should work out pretty nicely if you have enough budget left.
At first because of the dynamic lighting the frame rate sucked. I re-engineered it. no frame rate issues with 4 people in it, I do need to get as many people in as possible though.
I'm may be wrong, but can't you make conveyor belts using trait/gravity zones? I could have sworn I saw a tutorial video on it.
Awesome remake man, I may have a way for you to make the conveyor belts if you flip a medium one way shield door n lay it flat on the ground then place a gravity volume facing the way the conveyor moves n rotate it 45 degrees n drop it through the floor until it covers the width of the shield door here's a PIC for example I looked at our budget it u have enough to make 4 shield doors but if u can cut down somewhere else on our budget u need 200 credits to make 4 gravity volumes let me no if it works
Thanks for all the ideas and great comments. I have tried all of the trait/gravity zone tricks. even tried to use the generators. All in all as i kept trying, they worked, but did not add anything to the playability of the map. so i left them out. when your running around getting shot at you don't miss them much.
I hate to say it but, this is a frame-ratey mess. Zooming in with the sniper while scoping out either one of the bases makes it pretty difficult to shoot opponents due to the lag...overall, it was honestly meh. No drop point near overshield, among other things that are wrong with the bottom area. Spawn killing is also an issue, might want to fix that.
Did you enhance the photo so that they were more clear or do you just have screen brightness cranked because when I hopped in and had a look around it was seriously dark. I was still able to see but it was notably darker than your photo's. Besides that I like the look of the map. Haven't had a game on it so I can't comment on frame rate issues or spawning but it was a nice looking map. There were a number of flooring/ramp bumps but I don't know if there is much point in trying to fix it with this new forge. I could have sworn that a few of the ledges were too high and that i could see over a number of the railings in the original that I can't on here but it has been a few weeks since I through in halo 2 and then years before that. Otherwise it looks very promising. Thx for the upload. [br][/br]Edited by merge: So I've had a bit more of a look around and here are a few things that should probably be tweaked. I've taken a look at a few vid's of Colossus and the central back upper deck railing is definitely too high dropping it down .1 in the editor makes it about perfect in the way of line of sight over the railing. The two middle upper platforms' walkways both suffer from misalignment. The easy fix is - align the first section of the walkway to the main floor, magnet lock the second section of the walkway to the first section, magnet lock the third section to the second and while still magnet locked, insure the rotation snap is off, and slowly align the other end to the platform. Takes less than a minute for the whole process and makes a much cleaner connection. While you are at it you will need to clean up the two ramps below one of the platforms as it pokes through your initial connection. Also they may be some that are deeply saddened at the loss of the drop down at the back center area. Hope that helps.
mo, the comments about frame-rate are indeed accurate. I don't know if you tested w/ four people or even two on the same console. That's what I did. The xbox has a very hard time rendering the detail twice... once for each player. Four on same console would be a nightmare. w/ my friend we loaded up the map in Forge and deleted all of the lights, which I assumed was the culprit, but the issue remained. I assume replacing all of those large window caps running through the cieling would alleviate the problem. 343i did not do a very good job of allocating budget based on how much CPU power each piece uses, apparently. Other than that this would have been a great map. I look forward to a revised verseion.