This one started off as an experiment with magnets, and evolved into a full blown map. Taco Palace was the working title, and I couldn't think of anything better. It's fairly open, with lots of long sight lines, but plenty of cover as well. It's split into distinct areas, with plenty of access between. Spoiler Gold base offers a view of pretty much the entire map, but leaves you totally exposed to fire from all directions. Spoiler The Hanger separates Red and Blue bases. Purple lift exits on the platform to the left, which runs all the way back to Gold base. The lift can also be used from the Atrium below or by dropping in from the Hanger. Players can drop into the Atrium either by the purple lift, through the windows, or from the catwalk via purple lift. Exits to the porch are on either side of the lift platform, along with jumps into both teams bases. Spoiler Gold base sits at the back end of the atrium. Purple lift at the front, with halls to either side leading to ramps into Red and Blue base. The atrium has its own set of ramps into each base, as well as gravity lifts. Spoiler Blue base Blue base from the atrium. The window serves as a LOS blocker between the Blue and Gold, I'm thinking about swapping it for a wall, but want to see how it tests first. Also visible is the lift into blue. Red hall Thanks for viewing, I'm open to suggestions on the name. Winner gets 1000 cool points. *edit* I'm working on stripping it down so you can see the layout as a whole. Can't believe I forgot that.
certainly is tacotastic you should keep the name from what I can see, it looks good, I will be awaiting the overview.
My first thought when loading up an Infinity Slayer on this map was, 'Ordnance! Ordnance EVERYWHERE!' There appear to be seven power weapons on this map. Is it designed for a 4v4? If so, I recommend reducing the number of power weapons. Aside from that, I love the aesthetics. The Station Cores and Consoles don't appear out of place like some do on other maps, which is nice to see. I like the outside areas, too - it gives people a break from all the pretty colours and offers nice views of spaaaaaaace.
i came here looking for tacos, and i was certainly not disappointed. the clever way you have hidden the taco themes within the map is brilliant! great job!