I found this while browsing the waypoint forums looks like we will have our gametypes back after all (to an extent)
I posted a bit of that information in the tips and tricks thread, since I couldn't find that thread again after I tested it, so thanks. I will also say that in regards to the Team Specific Areas portion, it's a bit flawed. The shields don't seem to react to instant respawn very well, although I might have accidentally messed up the settings. It took around 10 seconds if I recall, and scaling down damage and shielding won't work if vehicles are included, as it would make them nigh-indestructible.
I Assume these have all been tested? We had a pretty solid Duck Hunt map. When our 'Ducks' reached the end and tele-ported behind the Hunter we had a Trait Zone set up in there set to the Flood team (Ducks) to make them invincible. However it still affected our hunter despite him being on the separate team. so neither could die. The only possible thing we could come up with was having no trait zone and 0% beatdown damage for the hunter. Meaning he could quite easily snipe any Flood in the sniper box. I'm just a little confused about that first one, Could you be a little more specific and maybe help work out why it didn't work for me? Peace -TS