So I've been a member here since 2008 and only have like 20 posts or something. Pretty impressive. Anyway I made a lot of halo 3 maps just never really uploaded them to the site. I hated halo reach so therefor never played it nor made maps. Halo 4 is a lot of fun so I'm getting back into making maps, and this here is my first. It didn't take me very long, but it's still a decent map. Sorry for the crappy pictures, I don't know if there is a way to get them on the computer directly from file share or not. There are also a couple of glitches in the map I can't quite fix. If for some reason you want to download the map, my gamertag is Catman87 Here's the main shot. Rocket launcher spawns all the way at the top, and a sword spawns all the way on the ground level, both dead center of the map. Shot to the right. Sniper rifle spawns in that upper tower. Spoiler Mid level of the reactor. Friendly member of this site inviting me to his party. Spoiler Side area where man canon will get you to the sniper tower. Spoiler Spoiler Sorry for the crappy pics again. All criticism is welcome.
At least we have proof that you and Eshkii are not the same person. Also I did pretty much the same thing you did haha As to the map: Looks promising. It reminds me of another map I can't place my finger on, but perhaps the thought was Guardian with a more open (to movement) lower floor. Is your GT the same as your username (for downloading)?
Yes it is. I put it at the end of my post too, but I wasn't expecting people to notice it all the way down there.
Ohp skipped that line when I was looking for it. Okey doke, I'll give it a DL when I'm done with this damn essay.
I like the overall theme of this map. It has a layout similar to a classic Halo map, which is always nice to see. Your use of lighting adds a nice aesthetic touch. My main worry is the position of the sniper spawn. A good sniper could dominate by staying up there, because it provides vision of a lot of the map, as well as perfect vision of the rocket launcher spawn and the only two routes up to it. I haven't playtested this so I don't know what it's like in a game situation, but from simply running around the map it seemed a bit too overpowering.
Maybe you're right. My brother said the same thing. I'm a terrible sniper though so I wouldn't really know, it seemed difficult to hit people because from that view there is a bit of cover. If you have further input after you playtest it (if you playtest it) let me know. Edited by merge: I should point out to anyone who cares. The sword at the bottom can only be picked up once. After that, the rocket launcher that is suppose to spawn at the top starts spawning where the sword should spawn, and the sword never spawns again. This happens no matter where i put the spawns and no matter how many times I try to delete them and put them back.