Titan-ECHO (Flood)

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by tR Siickness, Nov 26, 2012.

  1. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Titan-ECHO is a homage to the ALIENS movie series.

    Gametype: Infestation (on Fileshare)

    A lone zombie starts in the ventilation system and drops down on unsuspecting humans at certain parts of the ceiling of the ship. This map is meant to be a quick map to play when bored to just have a few laughs. The first testing session of my map had 5 people including myself, and was very fun. We continually modified the gametype and map as we played.

    Humans start with 2 grenades, a shotgun, and a magnum.

    The one honor rule is the zombie use the Promethean Vision Armor Ability only. The have unlimited use, and this creates a very scary feeling, a la Predator. The zombies have Good Camouflage for appearance and have increased movement speed.

    I welcome any constructive criticism for this map. I ran out of blocks and walls to continue making the ship larger.

    I have the Juicy effect on, so I am very sorry if these screenshots are too dark. I can upload more later with the effect deleted if this is a huge problem.

    Gallery: Titan-ECHO - Imgur



    Fileshare Gamertag: Hostiile Intent

    #1 tR Siickness, Nov 26, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2012
  2. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Wow, a ship map where the ship actually looks ship like on the interior!
    Looking good, dude!
  3. Absolaris

    Absolaris Promethean

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    This looks incredible! I'll download it and have a few games on it and tell you what I think afterwards!
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I like the fact that you went to the trouble to make it look like a ship inside and outside too! That's difficult to do! Will it work for regular infection or other infection variations? I'm not a fan of honor rules because I'm one of the people who would break them lol.

    And... AAHHHH UUUUGGGHHHH GGAARRWWWAAGGHUUGHGHWAFHHG 33334444433333!!!!!! Why leave us with honor rules like in Halo 3?!?!?!?!?! :(
  5. tR Siickness

    tR Siickness Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks! I was worried about this and I'm content on how the exterior looks.


    It should work with other Flood gametypes, but I made one specifically for this map.

    Unfortunately, yes. You can't limit the loadouts for the zombies.

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