Titan-ECHO is a homage to the ALIENS movie series. Gametype: Infestation (on Fileshare) A lone zombie starts in the ventilation system and drops down on unsuspecting humans at certain parts of the ceiling of the ship. This map is meant to be a quick map to play when bored to just have a few laughs. The first testing session of my map had 5 people including myself, and was very fun. We continually modified the gametype and map as we played. Humans start with 2 grenades, a shotgun, and a magnum. The one honor rule is the zombie use the Promethean Vision Armor Ability only. The have unlimited use, and this creates a very scary feeling, a la Predator. The zombies have Good Camouflage for appearance and have increased movement speed. I welcome any constructive criticism for this map. I ran out of blocks and walls to continue making the ship larger. I have the Juicy effect on, so I am very sorry if these screenshots are too dark. I can upload more later with the effect deleted if this is a huge problem. Gallery: Titan-ECHO - Imgur or Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Spoiler Fileshare Gamertag: Hostiile Intent Thanks!
This looks incredible! I'll download it and have a few games on it and tell you what I think afterwards!
I like the fact that you went to the trouble to make it look like a ship inside and outside too! That's difficult to do! Will it work for regular infection or other infection variations? I'm not a fan of honor rules because I'm one of the people who would break them lol. And... AAHHHH UUUUGGGHHHH GGAARRWWWAAGGHUUGHGHWAFHHG 33334444433333!!!!!! Why leave us with honor rules like in Halo 3?!?!?!?!?!
Thanks! I was worried about this and I'm content on how the exterior looks. Thanks! It should work with other Flood gametypes, but I made one specifically for this map. Unfortunately, yes. You can't limit the loadouts for the zombies.