Multi-flag CTF

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by shovehazzard, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. shovehazzard

    shovehazzard Promethean

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    Is it possible to have neutral flags? I've tried as many things as possible to make this happen but i just can't figure it out for the life of me. I know you can have multiple teams with their own single flag each. Which leads me to another question, is it possible to have multiple flags for one team? I've also tried to accomplish this but as far as I can tell it's not quite possible. If you have any answers or suggestions please help me out. It'll be greatly appreciated.

    Also if this is posted in the wrong section please exercise exploiting my wrong lol
  2. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    What is neutral flag again? I don't think I've ever played something like that.
  3. Absolaris

    Absolaris Promethean

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    Neutral flag is one flag usually mid-map which both teams fight to get back to their own cap-point.
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Neutral flag was always my favorite CTF gametype. I don't get why they switched to defense/offense 1 flag and 2 flag in Halo 3 mainly, and then to just mainly 2 flag in 4 now. I guess people dislike how neutral flag gives the advantage to the team that grabs the flag since once you move the flag you're moving it back towards the side of the map you control, but I enjoyed fighting over the flag in the middle of the map. It just seems more fun to me since its easier to get the flag compared to 2 flag or offense/defense 1 flag.
  5. Absolaris

    Absolaris Promethean

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    I loved defense/offense, especially on High Ground but to more or less remove all variants is a travesty haha.
  6. v p trainer

    v p trainer Promethean

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    I was wondering the same as would like a number of neutral flags on map to be captured I believe halo 3 had a similar game type where you was defending or attacking 3 - 5 flags at oncce then next round roles reversed?

    We was looking as a group at doing something similar also can you have more than one griffball could make a bomb game then?

    Any help would be appreciated only really getting into forge on 4 didn't have the time and patience with 3 and reach
  7. the_suicide_fox

    the_suicide_fox Ancient
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    This is true, and I think Grifball is the replacement for neutral flag since you need to force your way into the enemies base rather than just pull the objective back to yours.
  8. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Have you tried just flopping the spawn locations? You don't necessarily have to put the blue score location in red base. Though the ability to throw the griffball would make neutral flag a game of who-gets-it-first.
  9. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    Still doesn't Merritt the removal of neutral flag as a whole, in halo 2 on warlock tombstone and other maps that were arena style it typically had neutral flag neutral bomb both the difference between bomb and flag isn't much but I think ctf speaks more to halo then bomb does.

    As for multiple flags for one team I think they have to be sequenced 0 up to how ever many idk I'm just guessing if setting them all as attacker flag cap doesn't work just play with them
  10. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
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    Yeah that gametype was in Unreal Tournament and was called Flag Push to where the enemy's flag spawned in your base and you had to "push" their flag to their base to score while trying to stop their push at the same time. It was a lot of fun and I also made a map just for this gametype back in Halo 3.
  11. ManlyStudson

    ManlyStudson Promethean

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    Isn't Stockpile just a variant of neutral flag?
  12. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
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    Have you played Halo 4 yet? Stockpile is no longer in the game.
  13. CaptnSTFU

    CaptnSTFU Ancient
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    No Halo Reach's stockpile game type was a whole new spin on flag itself, neutral flag is 1 gray flag that you retrieve and take to your base stockpile was neutral flag on steroids, put it defeated the purpose because mutiple neutral flags make the game hectic vs okay they are taking the 1 flag to there base lets cut them off kill em and take it home.

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