
Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by thegaykid7, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. thegaykid7

    thegaykid7 Forerunner
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    GT- BloodyNinja17
    Map- Artifact
    Supports- 12 to 16 players
    Gametypes- Team Slayer, CTF (more to be added later)
    Budget- $9915 (brokeee)

    Weapons-- Rockets (1x), Sniper (1x base), Rail Gun (1x blue), Sticky Detonator (1x), Sword (1x blue), Shotgun (1x red), several DMRs, BRs, grenades and other weapons
    Vehicles-- Scorpion, Warthog, Ghost, Mongoose (1x per base)
    Ordinance-- With the map featuring a host of standard weapons and power weapons, I bumped up the ordinance requirement to 150 with a 40% increase thereafter. It may be a bit high, but I wouldn't want the map to become too cluttered with power weapons.

    Although I've created a few maps since Forge's inception in Halo 3, this will be the first map I've actually published, and I have to say I'm quite pleased with how it's turned out thus far. I'm currently working on another map as well, but that one will have be posted at a later time.

    Artifact (the name is a nod to Relic, though the two maps are quite different) is a map forged on Ravine, utilizing the entirety of the grassy field and the present Forerunner structure, as well as a construction of my own. It is asymmetric, with its two bases differing vastly in size, look, and feel. The Blue base is located between two grids, and features a series of 4 complete artifact base pieces, protected by its surrounding set of curved walls. The only way in and out of the base is the tunnel connecting it to the field. Its vehicles are located on the grid below the base, which can be accessed through the small hole in its center. There is a teleporter there which transports said vehicles to the entrance of the tunnel. So that spartans are not constantly splattered as they make their way through the tunnel, there are two ramps to the top of the tunnel, where on-foot personnel can safely cross to the other side. The blue flag is located at the back of the base, and is just a short run away.

    The Red base is significantly larger, and features multiple access points (3 to be exact). One is a ramp on its right side, which lends itself to vehicle traffic. The second is a middle platform which connects to the structure in the center of the map. The final can be reached through the use of a man cannon that will send its user to the left side of the base (as such, there are only 2 ways out of the base). The red flag is located in an elevated platform, which can be accessed through the ramp on either side leading to the top, or through a gravity lift near the center which will send its user directly to the flag.

    I tried to leave the middle of the map as open as possible, as the focus here should be on vehicle combat and free roaming ability. That being said, there are several paths that foot soldiers can take as well. From the blue base, there is a pathway along the left side of the map running along the waterfall, protected by a series of rock spires that follow its entirety. At the halfway point, you will be able to walk across to the middle structure (or continue along the same path). There, you can continue into the red base, or make a right and head for the man cannons. One, mentioned earlier, will take you into the red base, while the other will take you to the top of the blue team tunnel. Finally, there is a teleporter located in the tunnel beneath the structure which will teleport you to said structure. This teleporter, and the waterfall pathway, are the only two ways to access the middle structure.

    As you can see I've exhausted just about all of my resources, but much of that is tied into to the aesthetics of the map, which can always be adjusted and/or removed if I need to tweak things. I've worked hard to give each part of the map its own distinctive feel and look, and though my resources have been maxed out, I'm content with how the map has shaped up. I've also created the layout of weapon spawns and vehicles with balance it mind, for example, making sure that both teams are able to access the rockets in the middle/the teleporter in the same amount of time. I haven't been able to playtest the map just yet, but obviously am interested in doing so. If anyone would be interested in being a part of the testing process, please let me know! Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Now for pics and video!

    Map Overview

    Blue Base

    Blue Base again

    Red Base

    Middle Structure

    Tunnel Beneath it

    Other pics, if you'd like to check them out as well

    And finally a tour of the map. Here's a link to the video. Can't seem to get it embedded right, so this will have to do for now:

    Artifact (Preview)- Halo 4 Forge Map - YouTube
    #1 thegaykid7, Nov 18, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 18, 2012
  2. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    I personally think it's way too open.

    I noticed in the map overview the large mess of catwalks. Those look like they serve no purpose and should be taken out.
  3. thegaykid7

    thegaykid7 Forerunner
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    A fair criticism, but I don't think it's completely relevant in the case of this map. I'm not sure whether you're basing that judgement solely on the pictures, but they really don't do justice for the sightlines available on this map (heck, the video may not either, but I guess that's a problem inherent to every map). Both bases offer a significant deal of protection from long range fire, so they aren't a problem. The path along the waterfalls is completely protected thanks to the spires that run along it. Also, though they aren't seen in any of the pictures I believe, part of the catwalk is supported by a series of struts which double as aesthetic pieces as well as places a player can take cover from fire. Finally, there is the tunnel located in the center of the map which offers protection, and there the player can teleport to the catwalk, allowing them multiple access points into each base (so that is its function. It may look random, I know, but it serves an important purpose for the map). Besides, neither base has great sightlines into the middle of the map. Good ones, but not great sightlines.

    Anyway, I think sightline issues are more relevant for slayer gametypes on smaller maps, or those maps devoid of any vehicles. I think it's more about being fair to the player in terms of the options presented to them, whether they choose to proceed in a vehicle or on foot. Saying sightlines would be an issue is akin to saying Coagulation or Containment would be poor maps because they were also very open. I have thought about the issue though, and am very aware of it. Until the map is playtested, however, I will refrain from making any changes. I wouldn't be able to properly address the issue otherwise. This map is, first and foremost, about vehicular warfare. I tried to strike the balance between allowing relatively free roam for the vehicles, while also providing clear paths and protection for players on foot. Whether I did is another story, of course. Only time will tell.
  4. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    And, a fair response. When I get home I shall have a walk and possibly game or two on it.
  5. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    Let me break this down to help you out seeing as this is your first forge map that you've decided to publish.

    1) The blue base is a power base and if you do end up testing this, you will figure that out. One entrance to a base, and it's a tunnel? It's always a bad idea to have one entrance to a base, much more so if it's a tunnel that vehicles can be warped straight to. This is how I would break your map and anger everybody in it and never lose. Grab the Tank, back it up into the blue base, sit on the flag, and just shoot into the tunnel. Nobody is going to kill me.

    2) Unlike the blue base, the red base is far easier to enter because it has multiple entrances from different locations. Your bases aren't fair at all. Blue is a small little turtle base and red is a big one that you can maneuver around in.

    3) Once again is a movement restriction. I don't know why you're trying to limit players movement on the map so significantly. I'd hate to follow the same path every time if it was the only way to get to the other base without getting destroyed by the vehicles.

    4) Aesthetically, it's okay. Looks unique, but the catwalks everywhere kinda ruins it for me. What bugged me about this paragraph though was that you are referring to balance as time it takes to get to a certain weapon. This map is unbalanced because it favors the blue side regardless of what weapons they have.

    If you want to make this map more balanced... Take out the scorpion tanks for sure. You probably like them, but why would anybody actually want to take them out of their base?

    Make more access points into blue base, and don't just use teleporters or man cannons to get into it. Each base should have at least 3 entrances and 3 exits.

    Also, you want a vehicle friendly map, but have catwalks for people to sit on and shoot down at the vehicles without worry of being shot by the vehicles. If I had to redo this map, I would do away with the catwalks and make three or so general structures (varying in size and purpose) in the "neutral" area of the map. In that location, I'd throw down a Gauss Warthog. That'd be the only power vehicle on the map.

  6. thegaykid7

    thegaykid7 Forerunner
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    I don't know how I didn't see the tank issue with the blue base, to be honest. Sad really lol. Thank you for pointing that out.

    I never particularly liked the idea of the catwalk in the middle quite frankly. It does feel a bit...out of place. At the same time, I didn't want to obstruct a vehicles ability to maneuver around the map, hence the elevated catwalk. The problem with Ravine is that it simply does not offer enough flat grassland for it to be a true BTB map. I originally intended to create a ground structure, or a series of ground structures, and would still love to do so, but it would be too limiting for vehicle interaction. I could have always attempted to expand the central area to compensate for this, but then it would feel forced and unnatural to the map. However, you have given me an idea for something that I think may work to accomplish both ends; a series of structures that would leave room for vehicles to move through them uninhibited but also have an upper level for players (thereby replacing the catwalk).

    Here's the thing. I may be trying to tackle the semi-impossible here, but I specifically intended for the bases to have unequal methods of access. My reasoning is that though they may be different in size and number of entrance/exit points, there are other factors that would compensate for this and balance out the two sides. Obviously you are spot on about the tank issue. The whole idea was to make the blue base smaller and more susceptible to its flag being taken because it has only one access point (well two if you consider the man cannon, but it really isn't a true access point). Come in, kill everybody, get the flag and leave (It may need to be a little bit bigger though, I can definitely agree with that. Vehicles can move freely around the base, but its hijacking I'm more concerned about). The red base, though there may be several ways into it, has its flag in a harder to reach location. I may be taking the idea of an asymmetrical map too far here, but it's something I'd like to stick to in a general sort of way. I have thought out another way into the blue base which fits it quite well.

    As for your third point, I did think about this afterwards. If you're on foot you're either confined to the waterfall path, or dashing for the teleporter, so that's a very good point. As for the catwalk being a relatively safe area, there are few spots for cover on it. Red base, blue base, and a lot of locations around the map would have a good sightline on it, so though it may seem safe, I don't think it would necessarily be so.

    Like I mentioned in my earlier response, I've been designing this map to be similar to Containment and Coagulation in that you have the two bases, a whole lot of vehicles, and a large middle area. Neither map has a central structure for players but they worked extremely well. Of course, they were also both pretty symmetrical and Containment in particular had the "underground path" where players could move from base to base while avoiding vehicles. I think you're right in that this sort of thing is something my map needs. Again though, if you were taking the high ground in Containment or the middle third in Coagulation, you were going to be susceptible to vehicles and long-range fire.

    Thanks again for the feedback. You've given me some good ideas for constructive changes.
  7. DieHardAssassin

    DieHardAssassin Ancient
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    If you're really going for the containment/coag feel to your map then you should probably do away with the catwalks in the middle regardless of what you decide to do. The reason that those maps worked was because of height variations in the terrain and side routes (coag & containment) or the underground route (containment).

    Now, Ravine may not have these side routes, but you can build them in. As for an underground route, you may want to look into forging into the ravine crevasse itself. You could have a teleporter that connects the ravine crevasse to the small little prebuilt retaining wall thing in the center of the map. This would allow a sort of underground direction for the people on foot. I also think that this underground thing could connect into the side of the blue base and possibly the red base in some way.

    I'd make sure to put some structures in the center of the map though, remember that they don't necessarily need to be playable areas. By that I mean that they don't need to be accessible via foot, they can just be large structures that fit the map aesthetically but also provide flow to the map where people on foot can try to go from structure to structure to hide by, or up on.

    You can take what you'd like, but the best part for myself about big maps is the ability to go where you please and not be confined to a certain linear direction.

    edit: If you'd like to see what I mean by big structures that aren't "playable" I could throw up a picture or two on my file share for you to see what I mean
    #7 DieHardAssassin, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  8. thegaykid7

    thegaykid7 Forerunner
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    I've taken some of your advice, DieHardAssassin, and restructured parts of the map. It's not complete yet, but I'll edit this post with the updated version within a few days.

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