This is my first post on here, obviously. And I am definitely a complete forge noob. I've been playing Halo since long before there was a forge,but this week was the first time I decided to step out of my matchmaking and custom game routine. What got me interested was an idea for a crazy vehicle map to play with my more casual friends. But then after a few hours of 1v1s on a Sanctuary remake that was so bright it gave me a headache, I decided I was going to try something else. I saw several people have been remaking Sanctuary but every map I've seen or played has been on Ravine or Impact, so I decided to give forge a try and do a Sanctuary remake on Erosion. This worked out especially well considering how brown all the forge pieces are on Erosion-- more closely resembling the brown color of the original sanctuary. And also not constantly blinding me. I hopped on forge in Reach to look around in MLG Sanctuary v7 and get an idea of what I was going to need to do, and then I even dug around in my basement to find my old Xbox with Halo 2 map packs on it so I could look around the original Sanctuary-- which is what actually inspired a few of the small changes I made. One random change I made was putting thruster packs at the bottom of each carbine ramp. I was thinking having a jet pack and a thruster pack on the map might be good, but I'm not too sure. I put weapon spawns on it originally, but they didn't seem to work right, so I took them off for now. If anyone has some advice on how to get drop spawns working, please let me know. I tried the method used in Reach, but the weapons weren't there when I started the game, and once they finally did spawn they despawned extremely fast. I'm guessing there's no way around that until 343 increases the weapon despawn time? Anyways, here's a few pictures. If anyone wants to look at it in game my Xbox live tag is BodyBagShortage. It's in my fileshare. Besides the weapon spawns, I also plan on cleaning it up some more, and continually making changes based on any feedback I may recieve. So, I'd appreciate any feedback at all (positive and negative), or any help with weapon spawns. Hopefully my first go at forging wasn't too bad. Edit: Added tentative weapon spawns and fixed the line of sight between red and blue snipe.
Looks good from what I can see but you shouldn't be able to view sniper across from the opposing sniper spawn.
Yes, he's right. You couldn't on the original Sanctuary, and you couldn't on the MLG remake. You could however see from sniper to sniper in Bungie's remake-- Asylum. That's a pretty big miss by me. Thanks for catching that so quick.
I must admit this map looks pretty good on Erosion, I also feel like my eyes burn from some of the brighter maps. It could be that your tv screen or game brightness is up too high also. I turn mine up sometimes to take pictures or video and forget to turn it down while I'm playing. It looks overall pretty accurate I think. I will have to play test this one one day.
Yeah. Only because I played a LOT of sanc when I used to have lans and go to tournaments. No problem. I mean even without the fix, I'm sure it would have been fun. I did enjoy the sniper fight at the beginning of asylum the little that i had played it but I still like the original much better. Spoiler
The strange thing is I was always so annoyed by immediately getting sniped after grabbing sniper on Asylum. Oh well. I just needed to adjust the angle by 5 degrees on each snipe bridge and adjust everything else accordingly. Didn't take as long as I thought it would.
Design-wise, this is very close to the original. The lights in the bases add a nice aesthetic touch. The inclusion of Jet Pack AAs will make for some interesting, dynamic gameplay with the switching of armour abilities mid-play, although I'm worried they may become unused with everyone having their own personal loadouts. Perhaps a weapon/turret would be of more use? I don't know how this will affect gameplay. One criticism I have regards the kill boundaries. I ran around the map with a jetpack and discovered that you can stand on the very edge of the tops of the bases and still stay alive. Also, when jetpacking on top of the centre building I hit a soft kill boundary - perhaps you could raise this a bit, but only in the centre?
Thanks for the input. I thought I put those kill boundaries far enough out but I guess I should have tested the edges myself. And I probably do need to raise the soft kill boundary some also. Thanks for pointing those out. I still need to do quite a bit of polishing on it. I haven't been on for a few days due to military stuff, but when I got on just now I noticed some of the rocks needed to be adjusted also, especially the ones for the ring 2 jump up. When I adjusted the line of sight between red and blue snipe I also adjusted the braces and it threw the rocks off also. I'll upload a new version later this weekend probably. As for the loadouts and turret, the map is more for competive/mlg games or 1v1s, so the turret is a no go, and I would imagine eventually there will be more structured gametypes that use preset game loadouts to keep things for competitive, which may not even include an AA. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I already acknowledged this mistake last week, fixed it, and made a note of it in my OP and in a reply post, but thanks for paying attention and pointing it out again lol.
This looks great, did you make it just off the edge of the dirt, over the green pond? I was thinking of a map that used the green pond, slime color to it's fullest advantage!