[justify] Earlier today, Berb and I were conversing and came up with an idea to compete with each other, to see who will come out on top. What is it that we are doing? Berb and I are trying to get to 100% forerunner enemy completion, which is very difficult. Our plan is to have it done sometime in the next few weeks. What are we competing for? this helmet is the award for completing this commendation, but we wanted to raise the stakes. If Berb wins this, I shall give him One Hundred double xp matches worth of codes, and if I win, Berb shall be giving me 800 microsoft points. The stats will be located below and will be updated often. Feel free to discuss. Current Scores: Progess Log: November 24th, 2012 BERB 3%→11% +8% ZATH 1%→8% +7% November 25th, 2012 BERB 11%→25% +14% ZATH 8%→25% +17% +Finished commendation Crawler Prime Slayer. November 26th, 2012 BERB 25%→42% +17% +Finished commendation Crawler Prime Slayer. ZATH 25%→35% +10% November 27th, 2012 BERB 42%→50% +8% +Finished commendation Knight Slayer. ZATH 35%→46% +11% November 28th, 2012 BERB 50%→50% +0% ZATH 46%→51% +5% November 29th, 2012 BERB 50%→56% +6% ZATH 51%→61% +10% +Finished commendation Knight Slayer. November 30th, 2012 BERB 56%→66% +10% +Finished commendation Crawler Slayer. ZATH 61%→66% +5% [/justify]
I have to do an English essay tomorrow, so I'll be pretty tight on time aswell. I should link our waypoint stats or something to see the individual commendations.
Haha this is a lot of fun. never did it for money, but have raced to complete challenges and such for pride. Lots of Fun! Good Luck to both of ya!
Scores updated along with commendation completions. Berb is halfway through but now that his main commendations are done it'll go by slower for him
Scored are updated, game is tied, and berb now has the 3 main commendations completed. Things will be going slow for him from now on.
GO ZATHERLA!! WHOOOOOOO!!!! Lol seriously, this is intense. IDK how you get these things done so damn fast..