Nade Tennis Created by Cory2992. Helped by CFried and Random0007 Supported Gametypes: Team slayer but be sure to have 150 or higher for the gravity on all players. You can play around with the peoples health to add more excitement. I personally enjoy 2 overshields and 50% regeneration with 50% leech on Map Description This map is 3 double boxes wide and 1 and a half long. Object of the map is to throw nades over the wall and hope you hit your enemy. There are plenty of Frags and Plasma nades spread on each teams side on instant respawn so you almost never run out of them. If you have trustworthy people you could use the honor code and not jump over the wall by jumping on your teamates, but i find it more fun when i stick them as there jumping over. _________________________________________________ Here is how the spawns look i was planning on making a different map using these spawns but somehow i settled for nade tennis as you see here players spawn and fall into mancannon launching them into the teleporter and up to the front line in the courts Overveiw of the court Add a little jump into your nades for a more accurate nade Just another random action shot Just in case someone breaks out of the spawn they still have nowhere to go but to there court. _________________________________________________ I am thankful for all responses to the map all the negative comments will be taken into account when i upgrade the map eventually.
the concept is un-original and common in every forging community. however i feel that you have executed it nicely and would be worthy of a download so good job on that side of things however in the future try more creative ideas perhaps, then you will have some really nice maps?
i would think this is still more of a dodge ball type game but it still looks good i have never played one of these but they look fun.
honestly i got this idea off a counter-strike map i loved to play. Never new there were so many i figured there had to be like 1 or 2 but not so much.
named differently is all, weither its Tennis, Dodgeball, Stick Fight what ever they all have the same concept which is ok but its overdone much like mansions / houses/ estates / towns ect
on the gametype posted with it they have higher gravity so the only way over is to jump on a friend but it makes you a sitting duck and an easy kill for your enemys
maybe the people should have g-hammers and they hit nades back and forth! well it is a cool map so good job!