7-2 Alpha

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by VII, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    Map Name: 7-2 Alpha
    Forger: VII
    GT: J3litzkrieg
    Playable Game Variants: All slayer types/Dominion/Flood
    Custom Game Variants: "The Thing" (Flood variant. Recommended, but not necessary)

    Take it for a spin and let me know what ya think. There's always room for improvement, so be upfront. And if anyone wants to play-test with me, shoot me a message, would love to get some quality time on it L:

    Front of the station.
    Aerial view.

    Banshee launch tube.
    Top level of Hangar Bay (back).
    Top level of Hangar Bay (side).
    Bottom level of Hangar Bay.
    Outdoor walkway stemming from Hangar Bay.
    Aerial view of Main Control Room and Hangar Bay.

    Main entry to station. Low-grav for jumping down and man cannon mid for jumping up.

    Comms. Relay
    Small outdoor Mining Facility.
    Inside view of Mining Facility.
    Frontal view of Core Control Center.
    Frontal view of Main Control Room.
    View from inside Main Control Room.
    #1 VII, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  2. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    I suddenly want to make a Sealab 2021 (Adult Swim show) map...
  3. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This. Is. Sick.
    Well from what I see and understand it is.
  4. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    This map is HUGE! I can tell it'd be good for 16-player Flood games. I'm slightly worried about the size, however. I ran around it a bit and found a lot of little hidey spots that people could potentially camp in. As the Flood, running around the whole map and trying to find a Spartan to slice may become quite tedious as there are so many places to explore. I love the theme though.
  5. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    Thank you guys for the great comments. And now that ya say that it does kinda remind me of Sealab lmao.

    Currently workin on the "size" issue, since that seems to be people's main concern. To address this I've gone ahead and created a trait zone that spans the entire map, but only affects outside of the station itself. The trait zone increases all player speed to 170%, and decreases all player gravity to 50%, essentially making it much easier and quicker to travel around outside the station, while simultaneously giving it even more of a "real" space station feel lol.

    Hopefully I'll have a newer version up on my file share ready to be played by later today.

    Edited by merge:

    Version 2 of the map is now up on my fileshare. Implemented a trait zone for increased movement speed and low gravity outside, and made the main entrance a one way anti-grav lift. Thoughts and comments are always appreciated L: Enjoy!
    #5 VII, Nov 25, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2012
  6. bloody fetus

    bloody fetus Forerunner

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    Map looks massive but i love asymetric big team maps i'll try it when i get home for shure, message me and i would b happy to play test. verry organic build style :)
  7. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    Thanks bloody L: Hope ya got a chance to check it out. Lemme know what ya think!
  8. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    weird map. I have doubts about the flow
  9. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    @Fauch For which gametype...? If you have any criticisms I'd love to hear them, but try and be a little more specific than "weird map. I have doubts about the flow". Kiiiiinda vague.
  10. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I look absolutely nothing like your map.

    I understand where Fauch is coming from. A lot of the map seems to be made of the station pieces or is otherwise very linear.
  11. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I looked at a lot of maps, and I had that feeling about yours, though I don't remember all the reasons. looking at it again now.

    - the bottom floor looks somewhat isolated from that huge station up there, there are also a couple bases down there where you could hide that may not bring much to gameplay, except making it slower. it all looks kinda superfluous.

    -the map seems to be built around a star shape, where you have a main room, and most corridors actually lead to dead end (well, to banshees actually) but unless you fly them inside the station, I guess there is little point, unless someone else decide to use one as well, since banshees flying outdoor won't reach people inside.

    I can see where the linear come from. there is a lot of ways to enter the station, but paths still feel pretty long, so it could give the feeling of linearity. and when it comes to hard routes, then yeah, it may need more.
  12. VII

    VII Forerunner

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    @Fauch, it seems like you're not grasping the theme of the map. This isn't going to be a MLG map or anything like it. It's meant to actually feel like a space station, hence the banshee launch tubes, the mining site, the control center and comms. relay. As for your concerns about traversing outside of the station itself, I'm not sure if you've actually played on the map or read my previous comments, but player speed is increased to 170% outside the station, so moving around out there really doesn't take any time at all (and with the low grav, is also just a lot of fun by itself.), not to mention there are 4 entrances into the station, 2 of which are man cannons for quick access. The Banshees are only used during Dominion gameplay, although so far I'm really not sure whether I'm going to keep them in or not, seeing as they don't add much value to the overall gameplay in that variant. As for the "linearity" issue, I have to disagree wholeheartedly. Apart from the main hall and diverging hallways from the main hall, there are no straight routes. On top of that there are tons of differing entry and exit points for each room; one simply has to look outside the box. You also have to keep in mind the low grav effect outside the station. It allows any player the ability to jump out of the station from anywhere inside and land safely on the ground below, completely unharmed, (including the "dead end" Banshee tubes.) That's pretty un-linear IMO. Do me a favor, and try it out with a full roster (at least 12-16 players) and play some dominion or flood (preferably my game variant of flood, "The Thing".) I have a feeling though that you're looking at this map and expecting it to be something it isn't meant to be.

    Btw @SpinCycle014, I can't even begin to tell you how perplexed I am by your line "I look absolutely nothing like your map." Please, explain. My brain hurts just looking at that.
  13. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    eh well, I probably don't get it, it's definitely different from what I'm used to build.
    I noticed the different entries and exits btw. SpinCycle (a map from duke nukem :) ) is the one who talked about linearity.

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