Well I wanted some help with forge im trying to make a map where your in a vehicle going down a ramp and you teleport from the bottom to the top and it works to the most part but the teleporter sends me to the top and keeps the right physics going down but puts my vehicle backwards so im going back words down the ramp when I was going forward in to the send teleporter I was trying to point the two sender and receiver teleporter in the right direction but the closes I got was the force going the right derection but not the player if this makes since. :-\
Hmm, the only thing I could think of is that your teleporters are placed in the wrong direction. If the momentum after going through the teleporter is towards the bottom of the ramp but the vehicle itself is not moving that way, the teleporter at the top is more than likely facing the wrong direction I think. I would try double checking that again to see if it fixes the problem.
Well I'm not ENTIRELY sure this'll work, but here's what I know about teleporters: If you go in the teleporter as a human facing the 'point' part ([and AT the point part, not opposite it] you can see this at the base of the teleporter), you will come out of the receiver node facing the direction of THAT 'point' part (and in the direction/at this part). Should work with vehicles too. And welcome to Forgehub.
what was said above. best way to test this out is 1. create a simple teleporter system walk in it as a human, and adjust the directions the teleporters are facing to quickly learn how they work 2. same experiment, but within a vehicle. note: keep in mind that teleporters may act extremely different when used online with friends, especially when using vehicles. i have ran into issues where a mantis would teleport on my console because i was host, but no other player could teleporter while driving a mantis. after a battery of test, ive found that teleporters are more forgiving when you are host. so if you want to be sure, cross test your teleporters with a friend or two just to make sure your not setting up "host" only teleporters!.
Well I did my physics work right but puts me backwards going the same direction just pointing the wrong way I think its a glitch in halo 4 idk if any one would like to help me in it my gamer tag is OMG Crackers
im not sure if there is a way to fix this at all. the teleporters work fine for a spartan walking through, but they get all sorts of ****ed up when its a vehicle. i made a simple Giant Ramp map the other day to goof around on... you know, one of those ones with the big jump and then the tele that sends you back to the top to go down again. well not only does the compounding momentum not work (in past games you'd keep going faster and faster) but also the vehicles seem to just come out the of tele backwards, or sometimes any random direction.
thanks for the help Ig its just all sorts of F*** up in halo 4 one they said they would have dedicated severs but yet the sever lags like crap. o well this game is stupid but also good to an extent.
I've never had any problems. I have three maps that teleport vehicles, including a giant ramp test map, and they all work fine. Edit: Could it be map specific? All of mine are on Impact.