Epitaph Remake

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by Havok SCO, Nov 24, 2012.

  1. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    So me "Havok SCO" and my Cousin "Chaos SCO" are remaking the Halo 3 map Epitaph. We're about 65% done. Still working on Shotgun shoot and a few other areas. We are having some trouble with a little screen lag but no where near the trouble we had in Halo Reach. Let us know what you think of the pics we have so far.

  2. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks good, though it pains me to say anything Epitaph-related is remotely above poor.
    Have you considered a way to make the floating centerpiece dynamic, or are you just leaving that concept out?
  3. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    ah, the good days of splattering people with the central rocket spawn

    Tbh, the new UNSC pallet just doesn't work as well in recreating forerunner structures (I wonder why) :\

    other than that, it looks good.
  4. Havok SCO

    Havok SCO Forerunner

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    We have a cool idea for the floating platform. While its sad we cant make it move on its own, it looks at least like its supposed to be floating.

    It sucks that we don't have a forerunner pallet to work with, we did what we could with what we have. We went with a Acid Pumping facility look since it was on Erosion.

    The main issue is the frame rate lag but its barely there compared to Halo Reach's.
  5. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
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    I feel as though there may be a way to do the floating platform - perhaps with the metal pallet - but it's just not something I'd spend a lot of time in. That said I personally hated Epitaph (yet it was the last map I played days before Reach came out wherein I finally got my first Lone Wolves Overkill [making me like it a little more]) but if you find a way to do it I think you'd have found a somewhat revolutionary concept (rivaled only if someone could recreate Zanzibar/Last Resort correctly).
  6. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    I've taken the liberty to run some tests

    2 1-way shields-failed, no effect
    1 grav lift, fail --not stable
    2 gravlifts, fail, spins
    2 gravlifts tilted up at 10 degrees, fail, slightly more stable, but tips when walked on
    3 gravlifts, supported underneath, fail, slightly more stable, still tips
    2 grav volumes, fail, unstable
    2 grav lifts tiled up at 10 degrees and two grav volumes, fail, unstable

    test platforms

    -metal pallet- fail, unstable
    -pallet, large- sightly more stable, but destructible
    -crate package small, fail, tips, but much more stable
    -crate package, fail, unstable, like surfaces improve stability
    -crate, fail, immobile once released
    -bridge 2x2, fail, immobile once released
    -jersey barricade, large, fail, immobile once released
  7. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Hmm... what about some sort of pallets in double grav zones (with the rest canceled out by trait zones)? Nothing's going to be perfect, obviously, but the metal pallet and pallet, large seemed like the most acceptable options you put up there.
    oops and some stabilizers... like a central point of contact or something.
    #7 Rethal, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012
  8. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    they slip out of the gav zones

    your best bet is gunna be the crates, because they have more in-game "mass" so they don't tilt around as fast
  9. Rethal

    Rethal Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well if they slip out of the zones and you put points of contact halfway along each edge, that should prevent it, right? Give the points a little extra height over the zones and put a base point the object can't go through and that should stabilize it from slipping, but not from tilting nor from vertical movement.
  10. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
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    grav lifts work better for stabilizing, besides, having solid points makes a moveable platform redundant.

    the main issue is the platform tipping over. The part used will either have to be heavier at one end, hard to move, or symmetrical so that is appears the same no matter which way it is facing.
  11. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
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    What abt a palett with grav lifts on all 4 corners? Did you do that? I didn't see it in your list.
  12. SilentJacket

    SilentJacket Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    haven't tried it yet, feel free to experiment yourself

    also, grav lifts work, by having the forward thrust, and a weak magnet to keep what ever is in the lift, inside, putting gravlifts on all 4corners would probably be redundant, but feel free to try anyway
    #12 SilentJacket, Nov 24, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 24, 2012

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