Hi all I've just joined so I hope this post is appropriate and in the right place. Please feel free to tell me if it isn't! Basically I'm after some help with a few issues I've been having and that are rapidly driving me insane. I've spent quite some time creating a Halo 4 Graffball map and thought I had it finished, but when I went to play test it I found a rather major issue in that I couldn't score! Now I have 3 capture plates on the map. One is set to GRF_SPWN and the other two are set to GRF_GL with one set to Attackers team and the other Defenders. The game loads fine and you get the HUD icon showing you which plate you should be heading for, but when you run over it nothing happens. I have also placed a kill zone under the map (the court is floating) and if the ball goes out of bounds (the kill zone is 100 long by 100 wide so definitely big enough) it is reset, but if a player drops off the court they just fall through it and if they use a jet pack can survive the fall and end up running around unable to get back to the court. And while I'm here, does anyone know if it is possible to make particular teleporter sender nodes team specific? I know you can change the team tag to attacker, defender or whatever, but that still allows the other team to use it and what I would like to do is to disable the use of particular nodes for each team. I'm really hoping someone can help as finding good information on how to use Forge seems a lot harder than it should be!
Well, I've never made a Grifball map in Reach or Halo 4, but I'll try to help ;D For your problem regarding the bomb spawn and goals, did you change the team colors? I believe the bomb spawn should be neutral, and each goal should be blue or red (defenders or attackers.) That's my guess... For the kill boundary, I'm not sure what's going on there. If it's surrounding the entire bottom of the map (since it's floating,) then as soon as somebody falls into it they should die. But that's only if it's a hard kill zone. If you have a soft kill zone, and it doesn't extend through the ground of whatever map you're using, then people can use the jetpacks to fall through the kill zone, survive the timer, and get outside. And finally, for the teleporters, I'm not sure on that. I never really tried it. My guess is to change the team color. Or, and I'm not sure if this could apply to your map or not, if say Blue team spawns in a room and you want them to teleport onto the field or something like that, you can set up two teleporters, but have each one on a different channel, like Alpha or Bravo. That way each team would have a teleporter linked on a specific channel, and have the reciever nodes the same so they teleport to the right area. But again, I'm not sure if that's what you're doing I hope I could help! And I know I suck at explaining things in detail, so if you're unclear on something just tell me! xD
Hey, thanks for your reply. Yeah, the bomb spawn is neutral and the goals are set to attackers and defenders. What I don't understand it that the goal HUD arrow appears correctly, so it knows which one I need to head to, it just doesn't register when you get there. I also checked the arm timer in the game type settings and that's set to instant, so it's not that. I've also checked the settings on one of the pre made maps and I can't see anything obviously different so I'm a bit stumped! :/ I made sure the kill zone wasn't a soft one and you don't get any timer when you go through it. If you throw the ball off the edge that only falls so far and then resets, but players don't for some reason. I'm wondering if I need to change the top and bottom dimensions or add a grid? With the teleporters, I've set the goals slightly off the map in the path of a man cannon (this isn't the issue with the goals either as I've tested them on the main court) with the receiver portal back on their own end of the court. Unfortunately this means that you can just run backwards through your own goal-cannon and appear behind the other team! >< I've tried changing the team in the options but all it seems to do is chance the colour of the box around the portal.
How tall is the kill zone? I haven't tested this in 4, but I found in Reach that sometimes if the kill zone wasn't tall enough the player would fall right through it, and it wouldn't register. You could also try double stacking them. OR, you could put a SAFE zone over the map, extending slightly into the kill zone on the bottom side. That way when the player leaves the safe zone they'll die, but the ball will hit the kill zone before it leaves the safe zone, leaving that feature intact. Hope this helps, good luck!
Well I've found out what was wrong with the scoring. I had been testing it on my own and it doesn't let you score unless you have at least 2 players in the game! >< I took your advice about the kill zone Frag and extended the bottom of the kill zone; worked a treat! Still no luck with restricting the teleporters so I'm going to assume it's not possible and will have to a bit of a re-design. Thanks for you help though guys!