Hey guys, new to FH here so go easy if this in the wrong sub or something please! Anyways I'm trying to make a koth map & gametype where the hill is a mongoose, and I set the mongoose to koth_hill and set the boundaries and everything. When the game starts it looks like everything is working fine and driving the mongoose gets you hill points, but when the mongoose is destroyed, the hill disappears and does not reappear with the new mongoose spawn. how can I make it so the mongoose is the designated hill even after it is destroyed and respawns? Thanks in advance!
I personally really love playing "Goose KOTH" as well. I don't think there's a way to make the game do exactly what you're wanting. It kind of breaks the game when there's no "next hill." What I've always done, is had multiple mongooses that are hills, or the singular mongoose is indestructible. Sorry if this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but hopefully that helps a little. Welcome to Forgehub.
Thanks for the reply. If thats true then it's gonna be a pretty big problem since the map I'm working on is based on ravine making it ridiculously easy to drive the goose off the map unless I add ugly walls and make it a coliseum-style map /= I thought I was able to have a respawning mongoose hill in Reach, but I can't recall how. Guess I'll pop that back in and take a look a the map settings.
u try setting it up random hills. also try using two mongooses so there is always a next hill. u can use hill traits to enable driver use so people cant drive or ride the other goose till its a hill.
I've been working on a gametype with a soccer ball set as the Hill, and am having the same problem. The ball vanishes and I can't figure out why. I'm thinking it has to do with movement, because I can stand next to it the entire game as long as I never touch it, but when I move the ball around it disappears after about 30 seconds. I've also tested golf balls and small crates, both of them have the same problem. I guess it's a glitch in the game.
Alright I was able to fix it with the random hills tip. If I set hill movement to random with one hill, when the mongoose is driven off the map and destroyed the new mongoose will spawn and after a couple of seconds the hill will move to the new mongoose. Thank you!!
its not a glitch, but a flawed system that triggers a despawn respawn count down for all moveable objects. for instance, the issue in campaign and in matchmaking where you die and drop a valuable weapon, but when you run back to get it, its gone already. same system. your best bet is to set it to respawn time 180. in halo:reach, and halo 3. if the object was still in motion or better yet being interacted with (i.e. impacted by bullets, or collided into via player or vehicle) the objects despawn timer would never become a issue. however in halo 4, despawn timer begins when the object moves and cannot be stopped, but only quickened. if you suddenly stop interacting with the object, move away from the object a certain distance, look away from the object for a certain amount of time, and or drop it off a map edge, it will despawn respawn. so far i have not found a method to fix or bypass this issue and ive simply come to realize its not going away and have worked to deal with it. hopefully its something they can fix in a patch, but my hopes are not up.
Well poop, I was hoping there was a workaround somewhere, but i guess not. So much for my brilliant gametype idea.