But when I do, I do it in this thread: https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst127421_Custom-game-options-are-unacceptable--343.aspx I try not to post on Waypoint, because it's usually one giant trollfest, but I feel this thread should be a giant flamethrower directed at 343i and CA. If anyone else here is unhappy about our Forge and custom game options, this would be the place to let your frustrations known. You don't need to register to post, just log in with your GamerTag. The raising of the credit cap and fixing of the complex glitch is an indicator that they ARE paying attention to what we're saying. If this forum is a part of the Halo Nation, then that thread is in their front yard.
... you and about 200 other people took the incentive to make threads concerning this kind of thing also, the way you phased that thread title, seems a bit, abrasive.
Uh? I don't think you read the post. Also that title is in reference to the Most Interesting Man in the World meme.