I saw a man wit a golden SMAW. It was scary because he was knifing, and I ever knew when he was going to bust it out.
Within an hour tomorrow I'll have the golden Assault Shield, and I'm working on the golden SMAW at the same time. I also unlocked gold for my Kap-40- I just need the gold burst fire pistol.
Every. ****ing. Gun. Ever. But seriously, I'm literally 10 days away from all of the gold secondaries. The only ones that may take longer are the launchers because they're entirely dependant on enemy killstreaks being active- which rarely happens if I have my way.
"Take down 20 aircraft within 20 seconds of them being called in", "Kill an enemy AGR with the AA Launcher", "Kill 2 enemies with one car with an RPG", those kinds of things.
Are there any good black friday deals going on for this? It seems alright overall, but I just don't want to spend 60 on another COD.
I'm guessing since it's still full price at Walmart, Gamestop and Best Buy, that it didn't get a price reduction.
I'm going to sound like a *****, but I played this at my cousins yesterday and I found it worse than black ops (I never played MW3). The last time I really liked zombies was like the second WAW map. The multiplayer seems to get worse with every COD game I play, this being pretty awful. I don't see many changes from black ops and I only had fun with that game for a month or so. Unless I'm missing out on something and people want the same game with a slightly different theme every year, I feel like I wouldn't get much out of this game. /endbitch
I have a golden knife and a Golden RPG. About to gold out my KSG and working on my Ballistic knife. After that, its gonna be the Assault shield. Just for shits. I did the knife within a week and the RPG in two days. 15 hours, 23 mins of total gametime when I golden my RPG.
I had <6 hours before I had my golden Five-Seven, now the list is: Five-Seven Tac .45 Kap 40 Executioner Assault Shield Ballistic Knife I'm 2 more bloodthisties away from the golden B23R, I've only the post 100 challenges left for the SMAW, and I'm nearly half done the Crossbow; this Secondary Master calling card will be mine in no time.
Yeah, I'd say I played a bit before attempting to gold out things. I'm getting at that you have no life. Kidding Or am I? I hate that semi-auto sniper, and Nuketown spawns.
As much as I like reading about what color guns matches your outfit. Is the gameplay any better then previous COD's in anyway?
I think the gameplay is better, that said, in retrospect I think each CoD has better gameplay only because it's new. But this one feels more balanced then before. Also, why the **** did nobody tell me there were diamond camouflages? I would've done this Crossbow a lot earlier.