Hey everybody! I wanted to very quickly tell you all about a map pack that i'm working on called Facility 7B. I currently have three out of the seven maps completed. Each map is a different area of the facility, each with a different purpose. For example, Section 7B3 is a hangar containing a prototype UNSC ship, while Section 7B1 is the facility control room. Each map will be playable on my Lone Wolves gametype, and will have several others as well. I'm planning on making each map compatible with Lone Wolves, Oddball, and King of the Hill; different maps may have other gametypes, as well. Here's a list of the completed maps with a description: Section 7B1 Gametypes: Lone Wolves (more to be added) Description: Fight in the destroyed, winding corridors of the central control room as meteors pelt the station's walls. Size: 2-4 players Features: Teleporters to each main room Section 7B2 Gametypes: Lone Wolves (more to be added) Description: This testing facility's gravity testing room sometimes seems to have reverse gravity rather than zero gravity... Features: Zero gravity, gravity lifts on the walls to help in navigation around the map Section 7B3 Gametypes: Lone Wolves, Big Team Battle (more to be added) Description: Battle for control of the launchpad as Covenant Banshees attack the battlefield. Features: Actual flying Banshees and two Dominion turrets