Mick Raider: I can tell you that I played on this map last night and it is very very good for scale. Practically all of my grenade angles from Halo 3 worked on this map pretty close to the originals. The glass wall outside of blue room should be move slightly closer to center, because that grenade/shots aren't very proportional, however the glass window there currently may be too large in width and could possibly block the minor angle from blue/mauler room to S3. Everyone has to keep in mind that sometimes to reduce the need for extra forge pieces, wasting budget and reducing z-fighting textures it is much better to slightly increase the size of an area by a smidge by not merging pieces excessively and to build the map the best way possible without hurting the scaling too much. I really liked this map and I feel that Tsb will continue to work on it until it's absolutely perfect. 9/10 for this map from me. (I only wish I had people to play test my Narrows and that Tsb had a microphone...lol)
I had a mic. I was talking to ya. haha The glass piece will get moved to try and make that possible, but it's only going to be a small difference. It's a tad too wide. I'm gonna keep working with the map though.
Looks very solid. Are all the jumps there? Like S1 to S2 at bottom mid or Gayjump to blue room? And, so on.
I'd like to get my hands on this once it's completed. I've been waiting for since Halo 3 for someone to make a good remake of Guardian. This looks pretty solid, so yeah - I'd like to play it.
Looks awesome from the shots you've posted. I'd love to run around it sometime and shoot things. Hit me up
Not a fan of the scaling of this or the fact that you can jump from the middle ring to the catwalk above without issue. The bridge is too close to the central ring.
It's available in my Fileshare now. I'm sorry you don't like the scaling. Haven't had too many issues with that. Everyone else liked it so far.
Played one game on this tonight in a party, and we played Regicide. It was my first game of Regicide ever. Don't much care for that gametype... anyway, the map worked pretty well despite the gametype, after the initial spawns. I spawned right next to someone at G1 to start the game off. Other than that, it was really fun, and it really did feel like Guardian.
to add to what Lights has said, as i was also in that same game... i am pretty sure i spawned at G1 the ENTIRE game
Looks amazing TSB. My favorite addition you have made (probably happened more as an accident) is the glass between Top mid and Bottom mid. I've played another guardian remake, it was made on Ravine. It wasnt as good as this one(or at least doesn't look like it.) The rockwork you made is sexy. I gotta say, I'm liking the look of H4 rocks generally much better than reach. Just a heads up, but I think they're only using Infinity Slayer and Slayer Pro for the contest. I would make the map support these gametypes, cause I doubt they'll start making exceptions for custom gametypes.
I downloaded this the other day and looked around it. I must say it is extremely accurate for the most part. The only thing that bothered me is that S2/Overshield Room is a bit stretched. I think it was genius of you to use trait zones in areas where jumps didn't feel right to give the player just a bit more height/distance in their jump.
Wasn't designed to play Regicide, cause I hate that gametype. haha. The spawns work fairly accurate most of the time, but the instant respawn forces you in areas you wouldn't normally spawn on occasion. I had to stretch certain areas a tad bit. You move so fast now, and your field of view is totally different that it was in 3, so I had to do what was necessary to make it play well. Also, thank you very much about the trait zones. I tried to use them to the best of my ability.
thats weird me and my team ran some 3v3's and i never noticed that, anyway great looking map, some of the stupid small features like the tiny lift from ovie to top mid is gone but you can make that jump regardless, one thing i did notice (and its halo 4's mechanics at work) is you can make some jumps quite easily where as in h3 you'd fall and die lol, still good looking map. I'd say it could be scaled up a bit more but then youd have to use a bunch of little pieces all over and it would kill the aesthetics.
Looks great, tsb. I like the setting you chose to build it in especially. Can't wait to play some games on it.
Great looking map. downloaded a couple days ago. I noticed something toward the end of the vid that you might try to fix. When you threw the grenades into the lift, they got caught and kept bouncing instead of coming out the top like the original. maybe a gravlift at a slight angle part way up the chute to launch grenades and players slightly forward, so that they don't get caught in the lift? Or angle the one you have, idk.
This looks wonderful. You've done a good job of including all of the jumps and sightlines without compromising on aesthetics. The scaling is a bit off around the map, but that's necessary to keep the same gameplay due to Halo 4's new mechanics. It also feels slightly smaller than the original, but that may just be me. All in all, I like it.
This is actually way bigger than the original, I scaled it up for the speed of H4. Try going back to the original. It's smaller than you recall. I was shocked even.