Two frigates clash above Buwan, the moon of Grunt homeworld Balaho. Buwan contains Dynzitium, an extremely dense rock. Buwan is a very large BTB map set up primarily for Dominion and Slayer variants. It utilizes 3 different gravity trait zones in addition to normal gravity. Inside the two ships hovering above the terrain, gravity acts normally. Outside the ships there is low gravity, along with a way to hop between the two. Then, if you jump to the surface, you enter the "atmosphere" and gravity increases to 200%, but the fall will only slightly harm your shields. Lastly, there are two grav lifts located underneath the ships with 300% jump height and low gravity. You must jump and use a jetpack, which are provided at the base of the lift, to reenter a ship. Also, there is a small base in the middle of the map with an actual grav lift that will shoot you into space. This base is Dominion point B, while the ships are A and C. At the very least 10 players is recommended. It's in my file share, GT: AwTheHumanity Pics: Video walk through if you want to hear me talk: Halo 4 - Buwan Walkthrough - YouTube
Looks like a very unique idea! My only problem would be: What happens if a team controls both ships? Would the other team be able to make a counter-attack with so few entrance points? I'd suggest adding more grav lifts. Also, what happens if all the jet packs are taken? I'll download it and will be sure to get back to you.
i like the concept. and having run around it, i like the forging. i havent play tested the map, only run around for a few minutes, but i was wondering where the encounters are? positions to fight over. it (and i am not claiming knowledge, so i hope to be wrong) seems as though there wont be much fighting in the ships, as they are difficult to get to and relatively easy to defend. other than that i like it, good job
Haven't played it yet but you could always add a hole in the top and a man cannon or teleporter going to it so people don't just camp in the air bases.
Thanks for the suggestions guys. I was only able to run one 3v3 on it, but it ran for the most part smoothly. Fighting occurred all around, but mostly at the two ship base shields with shotguns and ship to planet with snipers (I've taken out shotgun and binary rifle spawns). I'll probably add an extra entrance to each ship from the top along with another way up from the ground if the 8v8 testing I'm doing tomorrow has issues (and if i can get the budget to work out, im at 9970). If anyone plays it or has other comments let me know.
I started up a solo Infinity Slayer game on this map and explored it a bit. Here are my suggestions. The two ships look very campable. From what I could see, there were only one or two entrances to them - both of them being very obvious, which may lead to people getting spammed by DMRs on their way up. The bottom level seems to be a death pit. Apart from the Sniper Rifles, people have no reason to be down here because they can be shot at from above. The bottom level could maybe do with some more cover from above, to help those spawning down there. I don't know what this map plays like on other gametypes and I haven't even playtested it yet, so let me know how your BTB playtest turns out.