Looking for a way to re-create Rocket Race, and I'm having some trouble. Anyone care to look through some of the game options and see if there's anything I'm missing, or confirm that it isn't possible?
343 don't want you to have freedom, They wont you to make what they made better. No race, Can do some dodgy things to make rocket race with mechanics of the game involving KOTH(if the customer game options allow it),Spawn points,initial spawn points,Teleporters,Vehicle teleporters(if that's in game),Player traits,Vehicle spawns,Invincible vehicles. Multiple ways of doing it using them but each way comes with a severe disadvantages so its basically pick your poison and see which way is bearable.
Finally got to play this! For the most part, it worked well. I need to look into hill contest settings, if I can.. but other than that it was fun. Not sure H4 RR is going to be as dynamic as H3 RR was, but we'll see. It was only 1 game.
Theres a racetracks KOTH gametype that you could edit, i forget who made it, but it works as long as you build your finish line right.
343 is just stupid. Whatever wasn't globally popular gets removed. Racing on Paradiso wasn't popular enough so they get rid of race entirely.
i hate that i waited until 3 am to play that, and then had to leave. and then everyone probably played it the second i left and i missed out.
I played your RR and made my own as well. The real problem is I had to kick 2 people from my lobby cause they were driving two different mongooses and they won cause they were on both sides of the map. At least with VIP only one person on the team could score and not divide up to be in two places at the same time. I think 343 should be ashamed of themselves for putting out a game that plays like a half done beta. If they don't start fixing things, or at least addressing the community outcry, then I will be trading Halo 4 in. Something I never though I would say.
its gone, but investigation into the inner workings of the halo 4 game variant programming have yielded interesting results. il keep reading into it, but there have been small break throughs in the modding community that have helped reproduce 1 flag CTF, flood having the ability to hold weapons again, and the possibilty of re-introducing race variants. however weather or not this will become a reality is in the hopes of either a group of modders or 343i straight up re-introducing the game variant. they introduce haloball (skeeball) game variant late in halo:reach which was a gametype allowing not only new options, but new game labels and in depth features. hopefully they take a page from that historical example and further promote the introduction of new game variants in the very near future, not just for our sake, but for the sake of a long lived, and always creative halo society.
343 deliberately took a **** on the casual customs community. It's as simple as that. Infection, the freaking centerpiece of casual customs since Halo 2, has been changed so that it's no longer possible to make creative gametypes with it: zombie settings can no longer be adjusted to allow weapon or vehicle use. You are forced to play contemporary Infection. Race, another favorite of the casual customs community, has also been thrown down the toilet. And what about the community outcry for the return of VIP ever since it was removed in Reach? Not a single acknowledgement from 343 besides the obvious "we'll think about it". Seriously, what is 343's problem? I like Halo 4, but one of the main things that made me fall in love with Halo in the first place is essentially ruined.
"How to Forge Race" - Halo 4 - YouTube You could sort of make Rocket race as well, but you'd have to force players to be within the hill for an entire second to gain points, which would just get awkward.
Its not hard, it's what I did. You just have to make the hills bigger, which is better anyway for how the goose moves in this game.
Because Reach at least shipped with Race. Even though I preferred VIP, at least it had that. ... God I miss Agents.
I've only had the opportunity to test one game so far, and in it, my team didn't do any boosting.. so I couldn't tell ya yet. Hopefully I'll have more information soon. I will say that, while the Goose (and vehicles in general) handle much better than they did in Reach, they still aren't as awesome as in Halo 3. Their acceleration is down a tad bit (top speed seems unchanged), and they don't maintain speed quite as well while taking corners.
Actually, it is very simple to let Flood use vehicles. I was testing around options earlier and I managed it just fine (looks weird seeing that freakish form driving a warthog though...)
Race will actually be added back into Halo 4. Ducain23, a well-known Halo Youtuber, knows the community manager bsangel and has confirmed that they will be adding Race sometime.