So I've been working on my puzzle map for Halo 4, and as some of you may know, I use fusion coils in them. I set them to "Fixed" Respawn time "Never" I've been trying to test the puzzle by destroying the coils, and they disappear. No problems there, but when I start a new round it doesn't respawn... I don't know whether 343 have made it that if you set something to Respawn time "Never" it doesn't respawn in forge and custom games or what. It's making testing my Puzzle harder. I just thought I'd let you know, if you know a way to not have no respawn then please do share.
Yeah, I've got that set. I tried again just to make sure, same thing happened. Edit: I just found the solution. Setting the Fusion Coil to "Never" doesn't allow it to respawn in forge either now. I tried setting respawn time to 1 second and that worked fine. I just have to set every coil I use now to "Never" once the Puzzle is complete.