As we all know the lack of a fine editing mode is very saddening, However when working on my submission for the forgotten treasures 3 contest I have stumbled upon a very useful trick to "fine edit". When holding any object, if you rotate the camera to the absolute top or bottom on the y-axis (so that you're either looking straight up at or straight down at your object), your movement speed will be greatly reduced. An interesting part of the trick is that the further your angle is away from zero (+90 or -90 degrees) on the y-axis, the more drastic the slowing effect on object movement will be. Therefore we can effectiveley increase or decrease our object movement speed on the x and z axis. Sadly this has no effect on the "up or down" (LB RB) movement. As far as I know nobody has posted this yet. I hope this helps some people with their maps!
The main thing I need slow editing for is height movement. I can't believe theres no good way of doing this when you consider how important even terrain/pathways are... Thanks though I appreciate the insight
It is quite a shame that we can't slow vertical movement, I've had to stick with the old 'hitting the bumper and the A button' at the same time trick. But the trick I explained above is actually extremely useful good luck with your vertical editing!
I'm aware that it was in Reach however it was largeley ignored and never used because of fine editing to the point where people such as myself simply forgot about it. The point of this thread is to remind or introduce people to this trick in hopes of aiding them in their forging
another way to help you fine edit (though the speed is still too sever, but not as bad) is to temporarily turn down your stick sensativity. that doesn't help much with up/down, however.
It's really a shame that they practically copy & pasted Reach's forge but left out one of the most helpful tools from it.
I think the best we have is simply using the Magnets to get them lined up exactly (then tilting them on the X or Y axis like we want, then turning off Magnets in order to phase the items together in the way we want. So far it's been working for my High Ground remake... the only issue I have is that some of the pieces look sloppy (but that's my fault, not the games haha)
Magnets work well with stopping Z-Fighting. Put an object adjacent to the piece you are having problems with, and if you move the problem piece up (with magnets on) just a little and let go, it will move back to its original position. Simply let go of the problem piece before it gets all the way back. Then delete the bracer. aaaand there you go
I was JUST about to make a video about this because I discovered it a few days ago as well. Discovered in the sense that it's about the only useful way of managing it without the nudge feature. And this too, though I edit heigh coordinates first.
Yeah I've been using this trick a lot, it's super helpful. I'm actually surprise at just how little/precise I can move something when directly above it. The only problem is that some larger objects force you far away an object when you try and get directly above it so it can be hard to see if you moved it enough/too much when you have a small tv like me.