Its a working title, not sure what to call it really. This is my second ever Forge Map, Its a Symetrical 4V4 Team Slayer/ CTF Map (although i havent set up the CTF yet) V Shaped 2 Story. I made it inside of the Grifball arena inside Erosion so i couldnt really get long shot of the entire map. Here are the screen shots, Tell me what you think and take a look at it on my File Share GT: Rocket Sam III - Erosion - V4V If anyone whats to test it then i am more than happy to host a testing session.
Better than the first one. Your map is very open, a result of your use of "random cover" (eg; pieces individually lying around on the ground) instead of full structure to block long lines of sight. The top level lacks structure even more so than the bottom.
Hey, Thanks for your Feedback Spin How would you suggest getting some "Structure" to the top level. Did you go into map and have a look live? i have attempted to block the obvious LOS with two huge glass panels running parallel to the platforms on the edge. There was a bug with them in the first version i uploaded but i think i have fixed it now. I wanted to make the middle section more room based, but i didnt want it to be to covered as i want people to use the bottom as much as possible. Its the most covered area and you can get quick access to the top levels through that. Is there anything obvious that i am not doing? also whats the best way to get people testing my map? i really want to get involved in a test just to play it. but im new to forging and i only have like 2-3 guys who i play regular on Halo 4 anyway lol.
He's right about the random cover. Everyone who's new at forge hub is gunna have to learn this. You don't make a good map out of cover, map structure is what you want. Heres a good example. There is a big difference between gears of wars and halo maps. Gears maps only need small cover like that because of the game mechanics. In gears, there's almost no height variation, there's no jumping, players move slower, no abilities, etc. In halo, players need much more structure to dance around and maneuver with, a Spartan can't just crouch behind a piece of cover and blindfire at his enemies, waiting for their next move. You're almost always moving in halo, so the flow of the map is so much harder to control. When you place random cover around, it actually will somewhat break the map, Spartans will avoid that area completely. They will seek high ground, inclines, buildings, rooms, etc. Anything that gives them actual cover from the battlefield. Making a good map is about balancing these areas, keeping people moving into the next area. When you have so much open space, players can see each other across the map before even encountering them, often ending in dirty cross mapping shots. I hope you're getting the just of what I'm saying. Which basically is, you need to know what the difference between cover and structure is. Often, it's a problem in the way you lay out your map in the beginning. If you throw down a bunch of flooring in the middle, like your map has, it's gunna need something that players can actually use, whether it be a control point, a power weapon, or just completely block it off and have clockwise/counter clockwise flow around it. The first pic and the last pic are really bad examples of structure, this is what people call lazy cover. I wish I could explain myself better than what ive actually told you, but hopefully it helps.
Hey, Pa1nts i think i get what you are saying. This is only my second map, so i am still getting used to what i need to do. So i think im going to block off both sides of the V, and add rooms, and ramps. So it will be completely covered apart from the middle section. Im still a little sure what i am going to put at the top of the middle, A rock maybe. that sound like an idea?
Top of the middle? Where's that? And if anything I would add structure in the middle, not the sides. If your gunnaleave the middle open, at least put a power weapon in there so people have a reason to go there. I'd have to see the map to fully grasp what your suggesting changing.
It's not so much your blocking the actual LoS as the paper-thin walls used to do it. Oftentimes, these don't feel like "real" cover to players. While in theory, if done right, they can block LoS, they generally don't play that way in actuality. I wouldn't "add rooms" in the sense that I feel like you're talking about it - I would segment up the existing locations into "rooms" or areas and, if necessary, add/subtract needed/redundant routes.
had a little run around earlier really liked your centrepiece stairwell. i liked your attempt at having a v shaped map. (may have to steal that idea for something! lol) map was a little random in piece choosing. and agree with a little too open. on the wall with the pipe jumps to get into the corners, i could easily get to one side but not the other. i forget which pipe it was (sorry!) but needs to be moved a little closer. your map is not contained. anyone with a jet pack can fly over the wall and leave the playable area. why they would want to, no idea! but they could. closing that up would help. hope that helps :thumbs:
Looks fairly nice - you have some fairly long lines of sight, such as the second picture. And that catwalk (I think it was the fourth pic) you have the height advantage on the catwalk so you should have less sight lines to counter that or else it may be a power position.
I took a look at this the other day and don't have much to say aside from what was already previously mentioned. I would suggest making all of your respawn points nuetral because players will be forced to respawn in the same positions if they are designated to a certain team. In the end, the spawning system could be learned fairly quick and I imagine spawn killing would insue. In addition to that, I cannot say that I was a fan of the lowest level as it seemed vacant or the stairs because they were very narrow and long. I would also say to avoid the singular stair case idea as well as it makes controlling the top much easier. The general shape of the map was cool and one that would be challenging to forge around. Goodluck with it, man.
Hey gents, Thanks alot for all your insight, i will be working on v2 of the map. with the following points: -Sort out the Neutral spawn locations -Address the random cover issue -look into moving the staircase on the edge of the V around a little. -I am going to keep the lower middle section, but i need to rejig the structure a little, i might make the entire bottom floor a basement level with no lines of sight from above. -create some counters for the 2 sniper towers at the end of the V -i may make the top level completely enclosed and add two balconies to the top level. -Add CTF (im going to add the flags to the top of each sniper tower -- thoughts? thanks again for your input