Custom Weapon-on-map-style Maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rab1d Squ1rrels, Nov 18, 2012.

  1. Rab1d Squ1rrels

    Rab1d Squ1rrels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    As much as I love infinity slayer, the ordinance drops, and supply drops, I do miss the old school weapons on map game types. The holding an area to wait for a sniper spawn. The rush for power weapons. The memorizing of different spawns. And I'm sure you do too. Especially those who are casuals who want to just jump in and play a couple games at a party. So I present to you an idea. What if someone forged the on-disc maps of Halo 4 with spawn points, weapon spawns, and grenade spawns?

    I myself am a terrible forger. Weather its building maps, or placing weapons, I don't have that kind of brain. But I know most of you do. So it's simple. We take all the maps, and strategically place weapons and spawns on them.

    Here is a link I found on Reddit of all the overviews of the maps.

    And here is another link I found on reddit with all of the Ordinance locations.

    You could use this to plan it out and discuss with fellow forgers what the best ideas would be. With a custom game type with no ordinance, single loadouts (or multiple, same weapon, different AA if you wanted reach style) we could make a classic feel. What do you guys think?

    And hey, if we get enough attention we could maybe catch 343i's eye and maybe get a playlist out of this.
  2. Salamijack

    Salamijack Promethean

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    Slayer Pro has what you're looking for. The power weapons always respawn in the same area.
  3. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Pretty much sums it up. Ordnance drops aren't that different anyways. They always come back at the same time. The only real differences are that you can't change the spare clips, can't lean weapons against stuff, and the ordinance drops indicate where the weapon is.
  4. Sam

    Sam Ancient
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    Yeah we need some maps with classic weapon placement and not this dumb **** where everyone is treated like they're babies incapable of finding weapons unless there is a huge icon on their minimap and HUD. I miss the days of having to actually learn the maps and the weapon spawns.
  5. Euphorius

    Euphorius Promethean

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    I actually disagree here. The new HUD icons for PWs are one of the few additions I find helpful. (If they worked right. I'm tired of finding a sticky in a sniper icon) There's no reason information like that should be denied to the player, since a good player will already be there when the spawn timer comes up. It just helps casuals learn a bit more.
  6. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Good point. On top of that, it gives players more of a push to grab the weapon and then get the hell out of there, because other players will be closing in, thinking they can grab it too.
  7. BoBwUzHeRe1138

    BoBwUzHeRe1138 Promethean

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    I like Ordnance drops because people usually learned the weapon placement after the 5th play max anyway. It just make it faster...also isn't it sometimes randomized? So it's not always a sniper in the same place? That way you don't waste your time rushing for where you think the sniper is, only to find...some grenades or something.

    That said, I do wish we could set Ordnance to be on but make the waypoints invisible -- give a bit of a more classic feel while getting the cool ordnance vertical weapon visual -- the only issue I have with ordnance waypoints is that you know when someone's gotten it -- that means a surprise sniper shot will no longer occur as once the sniper icon is gone -- you know someone has it.

    just wish we had a couple more options to alter the gameplay. Making traditional slayer is super easy by altering how many points you receive for a kill, getting rid of armor abilities, etc. But I've found that many of the weapons (shotty's in particular) have trouble leaning up against surfaces. Maybe I just suck but yeah haha
  8. Rab1d Squ1rrels

    Rab1d Squ1rrels Ancient
    Senior Member

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    The thing that bothers me about ordinance is

    1. It's random
    2. They all have the same spawn time
    3. Everyone knows where they spawn

    That being said i enjoy Infinity slayer but Slayer pro just isnt the same. I always loved spawing with an AR and going to find a BR or a needler or if i cant find anything, using said AR. I love the new stuff don't get me wrong, I'd just love to have a gametype/maps with a more Classic Halo feel to them, in addition to what we have.

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