Hey guys! I'm mikeygeordie, a semi-experienced Forge builder and Reach player with a good shot on me! I'm looking for a small team of people, or even a large one, to build and play maps with. Literally ANY kind of map building can be done in this team and gaming together is a pretty high priority, too, although not essential. Mics ARE Required and good team skills are preferred but not essential. Apply here on this thread with information about: Gamertag: Experience: Personality: About Me: Game Types I like: Maps I like: and maybe even drop a few links/pictures. If you want to just add me on XBL and chat about it instead of on here, I'd be more than happy to talk about it! I will update as necessary to include names and links to members of the team. OOH, by the way, start brainstorming for a team name too! Thanks guys! Mikeygeordie
Have you not made the step up to Halo 4 yet, son? Also, noticed you're from Northumberland ... as am I ... there's a few of us here who are from the north east. Myself, Matty and Stevo.
So basically your looking for friends to play xbox live with? I don't see why you'd call it a team. It's not like it's MLG or a clan. You want to play XBL with same people over and over again? I'm out.
Can't afford it yet :L literally so short on cash right now it's unreal. Good to see some other northerners here like thought we'd all run off and died? [br][/br]Edited by merge: There's always someone trying to be a pain in the ass ain't there? I'm looking for forgers too. Grow up.
Calm it down a notch, I was just confused by the part where it says looking for serious gamers. Clearly your too serious of a gamer for me. Lol.
People who want to play as literally a team of 4 and communicate with each other in game instead of just running around and dying pretty quick? Nevermind, get over it.
You might want to post this in H4, you'd get a ton of replies. Just so ya know BTW, clans recruiting isn't allowed here. But I don't know if you'd classify this as a clan or not, so yeah.
I'm only running on Reach atm until I got the spare cash for Halo 4. And I'm just looking to make a few friends to play and forge with. Not a clan or anything huge.