Hi. I'm trying to do the old Reach trick of putting buttons on walls that use the Landmine explosive to trigger a sequence of events etc. Please post any experiences you have with getting explosives to do neat things that can be used perhaps in ways that they did not intend us. I've read the how to's for Reach in creating weapon dispensors and opening doors etc. I even made what I think is a better door mechanism for Reach. But it doesn't seem to work as well in Halo 4. I'm specifically working on an elevator that uses an adaptation of my door method. Basically, the main thing I need to figure out is how to consistently make an explosion from a set of touching landmines (or fusion coils) to go through a wall such as one created with one of the block pieces with "flat" in its name. does anyone have a solid way to do this? If I can I'll post a pic or something showing you what I've done so far.
I think there needs to be a dedicated thread for all kinds of discovered tricks or mechanisms. I know I rigged in reach that's similar to what your trying to accomplish. I had made an elevator activated by somewhat of a button. The elevator itself was actually a crate resting on top of two fusion coils separated by a 2-way shield door to avoid premature activation. I made a separate compartment connected to the elevator shaft which held the explosives and a mongoose for the mechanism. The button function was actually a mongoose rested above the explosives on a small platform, upside down, hugging the outside of the elevator shaft players sit in. When the 'flip mongoose' button was pressed, it fell off the platform, onto a couple of landmines and a fusion coil extending to the underside of the elevator players sit in, triggering the explosives the crate rested on, and sending the players down the elevator shaft. Probably could use a diagram, but I can't draw one up right now. Not sure if this is the kind of elevator your looking for, because it's one-way, but i hope this helped somewhat.
thank you. I have some ideas for how to make my elevator scheme work in multiple directions... up/down/left/right. Lots of choices once I finally can get an explosion to fully go through a wall in the manner required. so far I can take a couple mines and put them through a wall. it takes as little as two. but to have the explosions stay inside a wall and then come back into the elevator shaft above your shielded area, I have not yet succeeded... I can get all of the mines to detonate except the very last one that would set off the fusion coils blocking the shaft. please, anyone who has some useful tricks for getting explosions through walls please help! Edited by merge: so seriously, no one is trying to use explosives to trigger events in their maps or are you all just holding out? j/k Still having a lot of trouble with this. The issue isn't just that it's hard to get an explosion to go through a wall, but that if you get the explosion to trigger inside a wall, it seems impossible to have it come back out again. it's so freakin' close to working that it is really starting to annoy me. Here's a detailed description of what I'm doing... 1. PLace mine oriented virtically so that just the red button is visible through a wall. Unlike in Reach, you cannot shoot the button, but must walk up to it and bump it (not melee) which is fine. It works better in that respect, because you cannot remotely denotate the mine. 2. Place more explosives inside the wall so that the first one serving as the button can cascade them. That part works perfectly too. You don't have to have them touch either. It minimizes the number of explosives you need. 3. Start using a few explosives to get that cascade reaction inside the wall to move back toward the user. By phasing the mines and puting them partially through the wall, you can get all of them to go off, except the very last one that would cause the fusion coils blocking my lift to explode. That's the essential part. You can even see the explosion effect on the outside of the wall, but no damaging effects which would trigger those last coils to go off! It's very aggrevating, and I hope someone can find a solution. You don't need to set up the same lift I am, just make it so that the described steps above will result in the user being damaged by the upper mines when pressing the button which is the lowest mine. thank you.