MLG Horizon V1

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Tyler Lyons, Nov 19, 2012.

  1. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    Map Name: MLG Horizon V1
    Canvas Map: Impact
    Creator Name(s): Tyler Lyons (GT: Tyier Lyons), Peter Sitkowski (GT: Nirvana985)
    Last Updated: 11/18/2012 22:30 EST
    Download Link: GT- Tyier Lyons

    Player Count: 8-10
    Recommended Gametypes: MLG Slayer, MLG CTF
    Supported Gametypes: MLG Slayer, MLG CTF

    Map Layout
    A mirrored-symmetry Lockout-esque map built in the empty void of Impact. The map consists of two parallel bases and three levels. Jotting from the middle level of each base are a small bridge and large bridge, with each bases' small bridge connecting to the other bases' large bridge. The bottom level consists of a mid-size bridge coming from the far right of each base taking a sharp left turn to a bridge which spans the entire width of the map and connects to the other bases' bottom bridge. The median bridge on the bottom has a grav-lift in the center which takes players through the middle level of the map and on to the center of the top bridge which is a large bridge in a (mostly) straight line connecting the top levels of each base.

    2x - Sniper Rifle
    2x - Boltshot

    Here are some screenshots, I apologize in advance for a blue tint in some of them, because of the 343i File Share issues I had to snap these pictures directly off of my TV.

    This is an aerial view of the map:

    Behind Red Base:

    Bottom Middle:

    Top Middle:

    Side view:

    Side view 2:

    Red Base:

    Blue Base:

    And finally a view from spawn (notice how you can see into the other teams' base)
  2. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    I think three levels is a bit too much for me. But, all around it looks like a good map. I like the layout. I will give it a try sometime very soon.
  3. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    Once you give it a try I think you will find that the three levels are crucial, if there were only two then map lockdown would be entirely too easy. Thanks for checking it out!
  4. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    Not a problem, sir. I will look at it tomorrow. <3
  5. TexturedSun

    TexturedSun Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Looks far too small to be classed as an 8-10 player map ... it looks to be the length of 3(ish) wall coliseums, which will be mental with a lot of players.

    2v2/2v2v2/3v3/4-6FFA would seem more apt.
  6. RocketSamIII

    RocketSamIII Promethean

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    With my limited experience here is my 2 cents,

    for me it looks good. I like the 3 levels, making the top level clean means it cant be dominated which is good.

    Im not quite sure about the firing lines of the two main bases (the curved front pillbox type window) Can you see down on to the bottom level? i just wonder if you are going to get two sets of players just shooting at each other base to base with DMR's

    Also i would like to see a good way to drop down into the base from the roof. A really quick entrance would be really cool. A small squad clears the top level runs across the top and drops down into the enemy base clearing house! before a respawn.

    that all being said, i dont know **** really ha.

    good map though. i look fwd to playing it some day
  7. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    I have tested it on 3v3, 2v2, and 2v2 and it worked great, so you may be right but I would definitely like to try some 4v4 before dismissing it, I agree now that you mention it that it is probably too small for 5v5. Anyone who is interested in playing some Slayer Pro or MLG Slayer on this map tonight to try and get some 4v4s going please do not hesitate to add me. (GT - Tyier Lyons)

    The LoS works our pretty interestingly. The layout of the map puts players in a struggle to control a few key positions on the map for CTF and in slayer it is a battle for the top kind of reminiscent of the battle for top middle on H3-Narrows. There is just the right amount of cover to fall to when you are getting cross-map DMR'd and the amount of insane trick jumps people are going to learn to use on this map is ridiculous.
  8. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    why do you put v1?

    its a little unnecessary, just saying lol

    anyways it looks alright, i cant speak for how it plays cuz i havent played it, but the piece usage looks alittle odd and the map doesnt really have a complete feel too it.
  9. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    I agree with DC on the v1.

    In addition, I'm really not a fan of the layout. It's very open, plus it has so much overlap, and as a result, it's likely to play very slowly. On top of that, it needs less random cover and more structure.

    As the figurative cherry on the ice cream, the space idea isn't implemented well. Making positions vulnerable because of their actual physical danger doesn't require any skill from the other team. In addition, suicide is frustrating when you're strafing. I would avoid such death pits in MLG maps.
  10. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    So do you reckon I go through and restructure the map a bit, adding more railing for suicide prevention and insert some support-beam style structure for cover? I had that type of cover before but people said they prefer it to be more open. This map was partially inspired by Narrows and if I recall, the cover in Narrows was just random cover wasn't it? This map isn't even near complete it is in the first round of testing so I am extremely appreciative of your input DC and SpinCycle! Maybe you guys could come in and help me tweak the map a bit? I would be so grateful!
  11. IamMKB

    IamMKB Promethean

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    Played some 1v1s on it and ran around on it solo.

    Nothing about this map appeals to me. The structure to me is wacky and I don't like it to say the least. The starting spawn is outright stupid. If you didn't have to turn around to run away, it would be okay. But, it forces you to fight and die. The giant lift in the middle of the bottom part of the map doesn't work at all time. I do like the sniper spawn and the aesthetics. Personally, I would scrape this map and start anew.

    Don't take this as an attack. Just an opinion, not from a fellow forger, but a competitive player.
  12. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    Well, thanks for the input. Looks like I am back to the drawing board haha. At least I have time to get a map going and critiqued before they fix the file share crap.
  13. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't own Halo 4, so I can't download it. And I can't see the entire layout from the screens, so there's not much I can say.

    But, you are right. Narrows has technical cover in the center of the top bridge. The "Mowhawk" was the MLG term for them.

    I appreciate that you tried to do something unique. For a first map, this is impressive. Verticality and overlap take a lot of skill to implement wisely in a map, and I give you props for giving both elements a shot. Lockout was one of the most popular MLG maps, and it was a "void" map, so don't feel restricted to abandon this style of map.

    Most MLG maps are extremely safe, simple, and bare designs, so I am glad to see someone doing something different for a change.
  14. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
    Senior Member

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    Tyler: The map needs legit walls. Support beams, etc can only do so much to separate.

    Narrows has the bridge itself as cover and a couple strategic walls within each base as well as a couple pieces on the bridge itself. The key is knowing when structure can be used and, if not possible, when "cover" should be used. The issue with relying on such cover is that only a small portion of the LoS is blocked - you can just be seen from a slightly different angle. As a result, the map would play very open anyway.

    Railings would be better, although not perfect. In a perfect world, there are no or few accidental suicides.

    Xzamplez: This is a good clarification. Void =/= evil. Too much void can be an issue if it restricts movement consciously ("oh, I shouldn't go there, I might commit suicide.").
    #14 theSpinCycle, Nov 19, 2012
    Last edited: Nov 19, 2012
  15. Tyler Lyons

    Tyler Lyons Ancient

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    I really appreciate your comments, I am starting over now and going to try to address a lot of the problems I had with the last one in the beginning, for starters I am not going to use 3 levels and I am going to stay away from those crappy default base pieces, it took too much effort trying to conform to them when I could have just built my own base and had it looked better anyway. This isn't exactly my first map, I have been forging pretty consistently since they released Foundry and even a little before then, but this is my first attempt at a competitive map. I had a pretty good following of a few hundred people on a series of maps I built for infection called "8 minutes later" on Halo 3 and I pretty much just built infection maps until now.
  16. xzamplez

    xzamplez Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    To address your 3 levels problem, I want to tell you something: The more simplified a map is, the easier it is to function smoothly. But, the more simplified a map is, the more standard it will be.

    So, the trick it to find that sweet spot between simplicity and complexity, and the more experienced you become, the more the sweet spot should slide into the complexity deparent.

    Would it be easier to design Prisoner with two floors? Yes. Would it be as unique and popular as it is? No.

    Staying away from prefabricated structures is generally a good idea.

    I apologize for assuming this is your first map. But, it is your first competitive map, so I don't look as bad. Look forward to your next map.

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