Well, my name is Frostbite! I have been in around 5 forums for clans and other things. I have been on the design team in most of these forums and have provided great signatures. Most of all I am just getting in to forging and am looking for tips and people to play custom games with (None of my friends like Custom Games as much as I do).
Hey Frostbite. Welcome to the site. If you wanna find customs, click here. There will be TGIF(thank god it's Friday) lobbies, BIOC (bloodthirst infection only customs) lobbies, TCOJ (the circle of jerks) lobbies and lots more other custom games lobbies you can sign up for. Since Halo 4 is still pretty new, there hasn't been many big customs lobbies running as of lately. If you stick around for a while and get to know some people, there's lots of "unofficial" or testing lobbies to join. You just gotta get to know the right people. These lobbies usually happen spur of the moment, or when a hubber finishes a new map that needs to be tested. If you need a map tested, usually you can ask to be promoted to party leader after. If this doesn't work, don't worry. I'm sure the regular custom lobbies will be running again soon. See ya around.
hi, I thought you were some new gametype... -rep for disappointment. in any case, I am SilentJacket, your supreme overlord/hotdog vendor
Hello there, Frostbite! Seeing as you seem to have an artistic passion, I suggest that you venture around these parts. Here you can post your artwork for some constructive criticism, make some awesome sigs, or accept request from others for stuff like logos and avatars and such. Hope to see you around!
Perhaps because it has been my name in many clans in forums. And people always urge me to go back to this one name.